Teaching Guides Query

Curs Acadèmic: 2016/17

8058 - Màster Universitari en Filosofia Política

32260 - Federalisme i Federacions. Teoria Política i Política Comparada

Informació del Pla Docent

Curs acadèmic:
Centre acadèmic:
805 - Centre Màsters del Departament de Ciències Polítiques i Socials
8058 - Màster Universitari en Filosofia Política
32260 - Federalisme i Federacions. Teoria Política i Política Comparada
Idiomes de docència:
Teoria: Grup 1: Anglès
Klaus-Jürgen Nagel
Periode d'Impartició:
Segon trimestre




About 40% of the world’s population live in federal systems. Federalism is said to stabilize political systems by respecting autonomy and furthering cooperation, to enhance democracy by governing closer to the people, to establish an additional division of powers against the tyranny of the majority, but it is also accused to provide a stepping stone for the break-up of states, and to further the interests of bureaucrats and political classes.

The course combines political theory with case studies. It will analyze the main currents of federal thought with their philosophical, sociological, and political aspects, and it will analyze federal states and arrangements around the world, and help to compare their raison d’être and logics. We will not only see what federalism is, but also why it was chosen, and what ends it may serve (or not).

Resultats de l'aprenentatge

  1. 1.  Competences to be achieved in the course




-improve written and oral communication in foreign/own language

-improve capability to realize academic presentations

-find and defend arguments and use them in academic debate

-stimulate debate and discussion on political science issues

-improve the capability to combine empirical findings with theoretical approaches




-know different definitions and justifications for federalism and federal systems in political theory

-be able to discuss their differences

-know about the principles of functioning of leading federal systems around the world

-analyze them in the light of the different definitions and normative approaches


-get the instruments to be able to analyze further cases on their own




None. The subject is interdisciplinary, but a general idea of political theory and the components of political systems will be helpful.




Students have to assist to at least 80% of all sessions. This is obligatory, and students not complying will not be assessed.


-Participation in lectures, seminaries and tutorial lessons. The preparation of the sessions with the help of the obligatory readings is essential. In case the preparation is generally insufficient, short summaries of the articles will be required for each session and assessed, too (20%).

-Short presentation (20 minutes) of an author or a country to the audience. A written or PPT presentation has to be delivered for obtaining a mark (20%).

-A 15-20-page analysis of a particular author or topic. The topic has to be different from the presentation, and will be decided individually (60%).