Teaching Guides Query

Academic Year: 2016/17

8058 - Master in Political Philosophy

32262 - Current Research on Diverse Democracies

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Course:
Academic Center:
805 - Masters Centre of the Department of Political and Social Sciences
8058 - Master in Political Philosophy
32262 - Current Research on Diverse Democracies
Teaching languages:
Theory: Group 1: Pending
Montserrat Guibernau Berdun
Teaching Period:
Third quarter


Over the last three decades, a growing number of states have confronted the challenge of re-interpreting the principle of political equality in ways that are conducive to the recognition of particular cultural identities. The course focuses on the complex relationship between cultural diversity and democratic politics in present-day societies by combining political sociology and political theory approaches. The course starts with an overview of theoretical approaches to analyzing the formation of cultural and ethno-national cleavages in modern states. The empirical variety of institutional strategies vis-à-vis different layers of cultural diversity will be assessed on this basis, the main examples being taken from the context of Europe and North America. In the final sessions, special attention will be paid to the current dynamics of secessionist movements.


The course will integrate introductory lecturing, short presentations by the students and group discussions.

Learning outcomes

(a) Knowledge


On completion of the module, students will be able to:


  • Demonstrate knowledge, compare and contrast various theories of nationalism, democracy and cosmopolitanism


  • Understand and critically assess key issues concerning nationalism, democracy and cosmopolitanism present in contemporary political debates


  • Establish a clear-cut theoretical distinction between the concepts of ‘nations without a state’ and ‘states without a nation’ to be illustrated with references to particular case studies


  • Analyze various types of relationship between nationalism and democracy in contemporary Western societies


  • Understand and compare the normative, methodological and theoretical underpinnings of the various explanatory approaches adopted by scholars of nationalism, national identity and cosmopolitanism studied in the course


Identify and discuss key challenges for the future development of democracy and cosmopolitanism


 (b) Skills

 Students will be expected to:


  • Communicate complex information, arguments, ideas and issues effectively and appropriately, both in writing and orally;


  • Apply and develop research skills, including the ability to identify, search for, critically evaluate and deploy appropriate information (including statistical and numerical information where appropriate) in complex contexts and in a self-directed way; the ability to present research findings clearly and accurately, adhering to scholarly conventions;


  • Develop professional working relationships within a group, and help to establish a learning agenda through negotiation;


  • Work independently, demonstrating initiative, self-organization and time management. Plan and evaluate their own learning and performance, and apply learning strategies to improve performance.




Session 1


Organizational matters and thematic introduction


Modood, T., 2007: Multiculturalism, Cambridge, 37–62**

Tully, J., 2003: Identity politics, in: Ball, T. and Bellamy, R., eds.: The Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century Political Thought, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 517-533*



Session 2 


Diversity, cleavage structures, and political conflict


Brubaker, R., 2012: Religion and nationalism: four approaches, Nations and Nationalism, 18 (1), 2–20

Kriesi, H. et al., 2012: Political Conflict in Western Europe, Cambridge, 3–35

Lipset, S. M. and Rokkan, S., 1967: Cleavage Structures, Party Systems, and Voter Alignments: An Introduction, in: Lipset, S. M. and Rokkan, S., eds., Party Systems and Voter Alignments, New York, 1–64 (esp. 1–6, 26–50)**

May, S., 2012: Language and Minority Rights: Ethnicity, Nationalism and the Politics of Language, 2nd edition, London, 132–174

Rokkan, S., 1999: State-Formation, Nation-Building, and Mass Politics in Europe, Oxford, 149–190**

Ross, M. H., 2007: Cultural Contestation in Ethnic Conflict, Cambridge, 1–30*



Session 3 


Nation-states, nationalism, and the ‘dark side of democracy’


Calhoun, C., 1997: Nationalism, Minneapolis, 66-85

Dahl, R. A., 1989: Democracy and its Critics, New Haven, CT, 193-209*

Gellner, E., 2006: Nations and Nationalism, Oxford, 1–7, 38–61**

Jennings, I., 1958: The Approach to Self-Government, Cambridge, 41-58

Linz, J.J and Stepan, A., 1995: Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America and Post-Communist Europe, Baltimore, 16 –37

Mann, M., 2005: The Dark Side of Democracy: Explaining Ethnic Cleansing, Cambridge, 1–33*



Session 4 


Complex diversity


Allardt, E., 1980: Prerequisites and Consequences of Ethnic Mobilization in Modern Society. A Comparative Study of the Linguistic Minorities in Western Europe, Scandinavian Political Studies, Vol. 3/1, 1–20

Kraus, P. A., 2012: The politics of complex diversity: a European perspective, Ethnicities 12 (1), 3–25*

Kymlicka, W., 2011: Multicultural citizenship within multination states, Ethnicities 11 (3), 281–302**

Ross, M. H., 2007: Cultural Contestation in Ethnic Conflict, Cambridge, 30–62

Therborn, G., 1995: European Modernity and Beyond, London, 34–54**

Tully, J., 2008: Public Philosophy in a New Key, Volume I: Democracy and Civic Freedom, Cambridge, 160–184



Session 5 


5.1 Multinational democracies


McGarry, J., O’Leary, B., and Simeon, R., 2008: Integration or accommodation? The enduring debate in conflict regulation, in: Choudry, S., ed., Constitutional Design for Divided Societies: Integration or Accommodation?, Oxford, 41–90**

Stepan, A., 1998: Modern multinational democracies: transcending a Gellnerian oxymoron, in: J.A. Hall, ed., The State of the Nation, Cambridge, 219–239**

Taylor, C., 1994: Reconciling the Solitudes. Essays on Canadian Federalism and Nationalism, Montreal & Kingston, 155–186

Tully, J., 2008: Multinational democracies: an introductory sketch, in: Tully, J.: Public Philosophy in a New Key. Volume I: Democracy and Civic Freedom, Cambridge, 185–220*



5.2 Immigration societies


Bail, C.A., 2008: The Configuration of Symbolic Boundaries against Immigrants in Europe, American Sociological Review, 73, 37–59**

Banting, K. and Kymlicka, W., 2006: Introduction: Multiculturalism and     the welfare state: setting the context, in: Banting, K. and Kymlicka, W.,           eds., Multiculturalism and the Welfare State: Recognition and Redistribution in Contemporary Democracies, Oxford, 1–45*

Geddes, A., 2003: The Politics of Migration and Immigration in Europe, London, 1–28

Grillo, R., 2010: Contesting Diversity in Europe: Alternative Regimes and Moral Orders, MMG Working Paper10-02**



Session 6 


6.1 Immigration and ‘culture wars’ in the USA


Davis, M., 2000: Magical Urbanism: Latinos Reinvent the US City, London, 111–136**

Huntington, S. P., 2004: Who Are We? The Challenges to American National Identity, New York, 221–256**

Schmidt Sr., R., 2015: Immigrants and the Reframing of Language and National Identity Politics in the United States, in: Spaeti, C., ed., Language and Identity Politics: A Cross-Atlantic Perspective, New York, 139–157*

Salomone, R. C., 2010: True American: Language, Identity, and the Education of Immigrant Children, Cambridge, MA, 98–165



6.2 Immigration and Islam in Europe


Kastoryano, R., 2004: Religion and Incorporation: Islam in France and Germany, International Migration Review, 38 (3), 1234–1255**

Koopmans, R. and Statham, P., 2000: Challenging the Liberal Nation-State? Postnationalism, Multiculturalism, and the Collective Claims-making of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities in Britain and Germany, in: Koopmans, R. and Statham, P., eds., Challenging Immigration and Ethnic Relations Politics: Comparative European Perspectives, Oxford, 189–232**

Miera, F. and Sala Pala, V., 2009: The construction of Islam as a public issue in western European countries through the prism of the Muhammad cartoons controversy: A comparison between France and Germany, Ethnicities, 9 (3), 383–408

Zolberg, A. R., 2008: How Many Exceptionalisms? Explorations in Comparative Macroanalysis, Philadelphia, PA, 286–319**



Session 7 


7.1 The Russian-speaking minorities in the Baltic states


Brubaker, R., 1996: Nationalism Reframed: Nationalism and the National Question in the New Europe, Cambridge, 107–147**

Galbreath, D. J. and Muiznieks, N., 2009: Latvia: managing post-imperial minorities, in: Rechel, B., ed., Minority Rights in Central and Eastern Europe, London, 135–150*

Laitin, D., D., 1998: Identity in Formation: The Russian-Speaking Populations in the Near Abroad, Ithaca, NY, 263–299

Sasse, G., 2008: The politics of EU conditionality: the norm of minority protection during and beyond accession, European Journal of Public Policy, 15 (6), 842–860**



7.2 Indigenous governance in Canada


Alfred, T. and Corntassel, J., 2005: Being Indigenous: Resurgences against Contemporary Colonialism, Government and Opposition, 40 (4), 597–614

Coulthard, G.S., 2014: Red Skin, White Masks: Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition, Minneapolis, 1–24

Newhouse, D.R. and Belanger, Y.D., 2010: Beyond the “Indian” Problem: Aboriginal Peoples and the Transformation of Canada, in: Courtney, J.C. and Smith, D.E., eds., Canadian Politics, Oxford, 339–357**

Papillon, M., 2009: The (Re)Emergence of Aboriginal Governments, in: Bickerton, J. and Gagnon, A.-G., eds., Canadian Politics, 5th edition, Toronto, 179–196**



Session 8 


8.1 Between accommodation and secession: Quebec


Caron, J.F. and Laforest, G., 2009: Canada and Multinational Federalism: From the Spirit of 1982 to Stephen Harper’s Open Federalism, in: Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 15 (1), 27–55*

Gagnon, A.-G., 2008: The case for multinational federalism: beyond the all-encompassing nation, Milton Park, 2010, 52–66**

Gagnon, A.-G. and Iacovino, R., 2007: Federalism, Citizenship, and Quebec, Toronto, 20–56

Kennedy, J., 2013: Liberal nationalisms: empire, state, and civil society in Scotland and Quebec, Montreal, 150–178**



8.2 Between accommodation and secession: Scotland


Flamini, R., 2013: Scotland's Independence Bid: History, Prospects, Challenges, World Affairs, 176 (1), 57–63**

Keating, M., 2009: The Independence of Scotland: Self-Government and the Shifting Politics of Union, Oxford, 79–100*

McCrone, D., 2012: Scotland out of the Union? The rise and rise of the nationalist agenda, The Political Quarterly, 83, 69–76

Preston, P., 2008: Cutting Scotland Loose: Soft Nationalism and Independence-in-Europe, in: British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 10, 717–728



Session 9 


9.1 Between accommodation and secession: Catalonia


Greer, S., 2007: Nationalism and Self-Government: The Politics of Autonomy in Scotland and Catalonia, Albany, NY, 161–178

Kraus, P. A., 2015: Caught in the Minority Trap: Limits of Territorial Autonomy, in: Basta, K., McGarry, J., and Simeon, R., eds.: Assessing Territorial Pluralism, Vancouver, 74–96**

Serrano, I., 2015: Catalonia: a failure of accommodation?, in: Nagel, K.-J. and Rixen, S., eds., Catalonia in Spain and Europe: Is There a Way to Independence, Baden-Baden, 98–114**

Requejo, F. and Sanjaume, M., 2015: Recognition and Political Accommodation: from Regionalism to Secessionism – the Catalan Case, in: Grégoire, J.-F. and Jewkes, M., eds., Recognition and Redistribution in Multinational Federations, Leuven, 107­–132*



9.2 General discussion and conclusion


*          compulsory reading

**        recommended reading



Regular attendance, active participation in the course and the following coursework to be submitted:


i           5 summaries (1–2 pp.) based on the weekly reading. The summaries must cover 3 topics taken from sessions 2–4 and 2 topics taken from sessions 5–9. In at least two cases, they have to cover not only the compulsory reading (marked with an asterisk), but also an additional text chosen from the recommended reading.


ii          Assignment presentation and handout (based on one of the summaries).


iii         A final essay (approx. 12 pp., standard format) elaborating on one of the course topics, incorporating a broad selection of the relevant bibliography and meeting standard formal criteria.



Bibliography and information resources



Mayall, J. Nationalism and International Society (CUP, Cambridge, 1990) chapter 4. Held, D. Models of Democracy (Polity Press, 2006).


Guibernau, M. The Identity of Nations (Polity Press, 2007). chapter on ‘Cosmopolitanism versus Nationalism’.


Guibernau, M. Belonging: Solidarity and Division in Modern Societies, (Polity Press 2013).


Held, D. and McGrew, A. The Global Transformations Reader (Polity Press: Cambridge, 2002) second edition. Chapter 44. Pp. 514-529.


Nussbaum, M. C. ‘Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism in Cohen, J. (ed.) For Love of Country: Debating the Limits of Patriotism (Beacon Press: Boston, 1996).


Caney, S. George, D. Jones, P. (eds.) National Rights, International Obligations (Westview Press: Boulder, CO, 1996).

Lord Acton, J. ‘Nationality’ in Essays on Freedom and Power, (Beacon Press: Boston, 1948).


Moore, M. (ed.) National Self-Determination and Secession (OUP: Oxford, 1998).

Cobban, A. The Nation-State and National Self-Determination (Fontana: London, 1969).


Gagnon, A. et altri. The Conditions of Diversity in Multinational Democracies (IRPP-McGill University Press: Montreal, 2003).


Guibernau, M. ‘National Identity, Devolution and Secession in Canada, Britain and Spain’ in Nations and Nationalism, http://www.wiley.com


Keating, M. Nations against the State (Macmillan: London, 1996) Second editions, Palgrave, 2001.


Kymlicka, W. The Rights of Minority Cultures (OUP: Oxford, 1995).

O’Neill, M. and Austin, D. Democracy and Cultural Diversity (OUP: Oxford, 2000).


Kymlicka, W. Politics in the Vernacular (OUP: Oxford, 2001).


Guibernau, M. ‘Prospects for a European Identity’, International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society (IJPCS) New York, Springer, vol. 24 (1), 2011, pp. 31-43.


Miller, D. On Nationality (OUP: Oxford, 1995).


Fligstein, N. (2009) Euroclash: The EU, European Identity, and the Future of Europe. Oxford University Press.


Seton-Watson, H. ‘What is Europe, where is Europe?’ Encounter, vol. 377, pp. 9-17.

Llobera, J. The God of Modernity (Berg: London, 1994).


Greenfeld, L. Nationalism: Five Roads to Modernity (Harvard Univeristy Press: Cambridge, MA, 1992).


Milward, A. (1984) The Reconstruction of Western Europe 1945-51. London, Methuen.


Moravcsik, A. (1999) The Choice for Europe. London, UCL Press.


Scully, R. (2005) Becoming Europeans? Attitudes, Behaviour and Socialization in the European Parliament. Oxford, Oxford University Press.


Joppke, C. Citizenship and Immigration (Polity Press, 2010)


Castles, S. and Davidson, A. Citizenship and Migration: Globalization and the Politics of Belonging (Macmillan Press Ltd: London, 2000).