Consulta de Guies Docents

Curs Acadèmic: 2022/23

30998 - Progressos en Neurociències

Informació del Pla Docent

Curs acadèmic:
Centre acadèmic:
802 - Centre Màsters del Departament d'Enginyeria
804 - Centre Màsters del Departament de Medicina i Ciències de la Vida
1021 - Màster Universitari en Enginyeria Biomèdica Computacional
8041 - Màster Universitari en Recerca Biomèdica (BIOMED)
30998 - Progressos en Neurociències
Idiomes de docència:
Teoria: Grup 1: Anglès
Rafael Maldonado Lopez, Olga Valverde Granados, Andres Ozaita Mintegui, Ana Martin Sanchez, Laia Alegre Zurano, Alba Garcia Baos, Beltran Alvarez Perez, Lucia de los Reyes Ramirez, Araceli Bergada Martinez, Elena Martin Garcia
Periode d'Impartició:
Primer trimestre


This Course aims to present students the neurobiological mechanisms underlying neuronal plasticity for learning, addiction and pain. The three modules offered (Cellular and molecular bases of plasticity and learning, Neurobiology of addiction, and Neurobiology of pain) are also offered in the Interuniversitary Master in Neuroscience coordinated by Universitat de Barcelona.

The course is intended for graduate students in life sciences and students must chose two of the three modules offered (see below).

Classes will combine theoretical and practice content (based on cases) at classrooms of the School of Health and Life Sciences (Dr. Aiguader, 80).

Details concerning the subject

Name of the subject: Topics in Neuroscience
Code: TN
Type of subject: Optional
Total hours: Students will choose two out of the three Modules to complete the subject. The mark for the subject will be the average of the marks obtained in the two Modules.
The specifics of the calendar for these Modules are determined by Universitat de Barcelona (Interuniversitary Master in Neuroscience)

-Module#1 Cellular and molecular bases of plasticity and learning.

-Module#2 Neurobiology of addiction.  

-Module#3 Neurobiology of pain

For questions about the dates, contact the coordinator of the subject. Dates will be determined by  Universitat de Barcelona.

Place: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Area Mar, Edifici Dr. Aiguader, 80, Barcelona).
Classroom: Indicated for each Module.

Competències associades

This course uses formal lectures on updated scientific literature on the subject of each module. Students are expected to interact during the lectures to allow highlighting those more recent aspects on neuroscience research. Students will produce presentations in specific subjects, as well as prepare focused assays. 

The presentations will also address the use of the knowledge on each of the modules to design better therapies that can lead to cognitive improvement, addiction treatment or pain management.

Resultats de l'aprenentatge


- Get exposed, on each of the subjects, to a broad/historic aspect to the most recent advances. Such approach provides an interesting perspective in order to allocated and evaluate new findings in the field of Neuroscience.



- Provide the basics to understand the specialized literature on each of the subjects.

- Help understand the bases for established and experimental therapies targeting the brain.

- Practical Hands-on session in behavioral and cellular approaches in the study of brain plasticity.

Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible

#GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being

#GOAL 4: Quality Education



Previous background. Classes will be at an advanced level, with an emphasis of neuronal processes from molecular to cellular to behavioral outcomes. Students are expected to have knowledge on Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Basic Psychobiology, equivalent to the level achieved in a University degree in Biological Sciences.



Contact and coordination for Module#1: Dr. Andrés Ozaita (

Aim: The aim of Module#1 is to understand the basic mechanisms (cellular and molecular) involved in the unique plastic ability in the central nervous system.

Languages: English

Session 1
1. An introduction to neural plasticity.
2. Signs of plasticity and its modulation.

Session 2
3. Main molecular players in learning and memory (I).
4. Main molecular players in learning and memory (II).

Session 3
5. Translational mechanisms of neuronal plasticity and memory.
6. Cell type-specific approaches to assess translation in the brain.

Session 4
7. Cellular mechanisms in learning and memory (I).
8. Cellular mechanisms in learning and memory (II).

Session 5
9. Electrophysiological approaches to study synaptic plasticity in vitro and ex vivo (I).
10. Electrophysiological approaches to study synaptic plasticity in vitro and ex vivo (II, Hands-on).

Session 6
Practical Session
11. Behavioral methods to study learning and memory in mice (I).

12. Behavioral methods to study learning and memory in mice (II, Hands-on).

Session 7
13. In vivo electrophysiological strategies to study the cellular bases of plasticity (I).
14. In vivo electrophysiological strategies to study the cellular bases of plasticity (II).



Contact and coordination for Module#2: Prof. Olga Valverde (

Aim: Behavioral, functional, and molecular studies in animal models have improved the understanding of different processes related to drug addiction. The aim of this module is to improve the knowledge of the different adaptive phenomena leading to drug addiction by using a multidisciplinary approach.

Languages: English and Spanish

Tema 1.- Bases neurobiológicas implicadas en el proceso adictivo. Principales teorías. Epidemiología de las toxicomanias. Factores de género.

Tema 2.- Alteraciones moleculares y celulares que se desarrollan en el proceso adictivo.

Tema 3.- La adicción de drogas y los fenómenos de plasticidad sináptica.

Tema 4.- Factores epigenéticos que influyen el la adicción de drogas.

Drogas prototípicas y características particulares durante su consumo.

Tema 5.- Psicoestimulantes.

Tema 6.- Nicotina.

Tema 7.- Opioides.

Tema 8.- Cannabinoides.

Tema 9.- Consumo de alcohol.

Tema 10.- Tratamientos y manejo de las adicciones.


1.- Nuevas sustancias psicoactivas.

2.- Gambling. Adicciones sin sustancias.



Contact and coordination for Module#3: Dr. Elena Martín-Garcia ( and Rafael Maldonado (

Aim: The aim of Module#3 is to understand, from a neurobiological perspective, the physiological basics of pain and the pharmacological approaches to its treatment.

Languages: Spanish, English and Catalan

Unit 1. Introduction to the neurobiology of pain.
Unit 2. Pain physiology (I): the nociceptor and its environment.
Unit 3. Pain physiology (II): the endocannabinoid system.
Unit 4. Pain physiology (III): the opioid system.
Unit 5. Pain physiology (IV): nociceptive transmission in the spinal cord.

Unit 6. Pain physiology (V): encephalic nociceptive transmission.
Exam 1. Short questions exam.
Unit 7. Genetics and pain.
Unit 8. Pain disorders.
Unit 9. Pain drugs.
Unit 10. Mental disorders and chronic pain.
Practical class. Preparation of a journal club session.
Exam 2. Multiple choice questions exam.
Exam 3. Oral group presentation.






Metodologia docent

The course is divided in lectures to present specific topics (70%), and practical sessions and seminars (30 %) where students will confront specific experimental problems that can be presented in computer rooms through the use of specific software, the visualization of videos for behavioral experiments, or through the experience of a specific researcher in a subject of interest for the topic.


Exams will be held at the end of each Module, and the final mark for the whole subject “Topics in Neuroscience” will consist on the average of the marks for the two Modules attended. It is necessary to obtain a minimum of 4 on each module for the mark to be considered for averaging with the other module.


EVALUATION FOR MODULE#1-Cellular and molecular bases of plasticity and learning

The evaluation will consider:

- Exam: 60 % written assay. You need a minimum of 4/10 in the written exam to pass the subject.

- Attendance and participation: 20 %

- Student activities, 20 %

- OPTIONAL: Written assay (additional 1 point of the final mark for the module#1).



EVALUATION FOR MODULE#2-Neurobiology of addition

Theoretical knowledge will be evaluated as well as attendance and participation in supervised activities.

Elaboration of an assay/presentation: Students must present a critical work on a scientific article on addictions that has been published in the last three years (2020; 2021; 2022) in one of the first quartile scientific journals (JCR-Q1). The work consists of doing a synthesis of the article, with a final critical comment that must be presented as a series of 5 slides that will be delivered to the professor. There will be no oral presentation of the work. The work can be done in Spanish, Catalan or English.

Written test: this is an exam of short questions (10-15 questions) and a grade equal to or greater than 4/10 must be obtained so that it can be averaged with the rest of the activities that participate in the evaluation.

Continuous assessment:
Attendance: 20%
Work: 20%
Written test: 60%


EVALUATION FOR MODULE#3-Neurobiology of Pain

This module uses a continuous assessment method by the realization of 3 evaluations. Specifically, two exams will be written, and a journal club presentation will be oral.

The contents evaluated in these tests will be cumulative. Thus, each test will evaluate aspects of the module already evaluated in the previous tests.

The final mark of the continuous evaluation of the module will be obtained from the weighted average of the assessment activities carried out.

The relative weight of each of the learning evidence or exams is specified below:

  1. Exam 1: EV1: 30% (Short questions exam: open questions about the first units: Unit 1 to 6).
  2. Exam 2: EV2: 30% (Multiple choice questions exam: questions about the basic knowledge test of all the following contents of the subject: Unit 1 to 9).
  3. Exam 3: EV3: 40% (Oral group presentation: final oral presentation of a scientific paper resembling a journal club).

Characteristics of the oral presentation of a scientific paper:

      • Groups of 3 students.
      • Presentation (15’).
      • Sections: Introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions.
      • Each group must select a different scientific paper related to mental disorders and chronic pain.

The grades will be from 0 to 10. To pass the course, it is necessary to obtain more than 5 points. There is no possibility of re-evaluation.

Class attendance must be at least 80%.


Bibliografia i recursos d'informació

MODULE#1-Cellular and molecular bases of plasticity and learning

1. Bannerman DM, Sprengel R, Sanderson DJ, McHugh SB, Rawlins JN, Monyer H, Seeburg PH. Hippocampal synaptic plasticity, spatial memory and anxiety. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2014 Mar;15(3):181-92.

2. Basu J, Siegelbaum SA. The Corticohippocampal Circuit, Synaptic Plasticity, and Memory. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 2015 Nov 2;7(11). pii: a021733.

3. Bocchio M, Nabavi S, Capogna M. Synaptic Plasticity, Engrams, and Network Oscillations in Amygdala Circuits for Storage and Retrieval of Emotional Memories. Neuron. 2017 May 17;94(4):731-743.

4. Galsworthy MJ, Paya-Cano JL, Liu L, Monleon S, Gregoryan G, Fernandes C, Schalkwyk LC, Plomin R. Assessing reliability, heritability and general cognitive ability in a battery of cognitive tasks for laboratory mice. Behav Genet. 2005 Sep;35(5):675-92.

5. Giese KP, Mizuno K. The roles of protein kinases in learning and memory. Learn Mem. 2013 Sep 16;20(10):540-52.

6. Kim S, Kaang BK. Epigenetic regulation and chromatin remodeling in learning and memory. Exp Mol Med. 2017 Jan 13;49(1):e281.

7. Knott GW, Holtmaat A, Wilbrecht L, Welker E, Svoboda K. Spine growth precedes synapse formation in the adult neocortex in vivo. Nat Neurosci. 2006 Sep;9(9):1117-24

8. Kreutz MR, Sala C (eds). Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. Synaptic plasticity. Dinamics, development and disease. Springer (2012).

9. Levenson JM, Sweatt JD. Epigenetic mechanisms in memory formation. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2005 Feb;6(2):108-18.

10. Lopez-Atalaya JP, Barco A. Can changes in histone acetylation contribute to memory formation? Trends Genet. 2014 Dec;30(12):529-39.

11. Neves G, Cooke SF, Bliss TV. Synaptic plasticity, memory and the hippocampus: a neural network approach to causality. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2008 Jan;9(1):65-75.

12. Nikolaienko O, Patil S, Eriksen MS, Bramham CR. Arc protein: a flexible hub for synaptic plasticity and cognition. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 2018 May;77:33-42.

13. Rossetti T, Banerjee S, Kim C, Leubner M, Lamar C, Gupta P, Lee B, Neve R, Lisman J. Memory Erasure Experiments Indicate a Critical Role of CaMKII in Memory Storage. Neuron. 2017 Sep 27;96(1):207-216.

14. Seo DO, Bruchas MR. Polymorphic computation in locus coeruleus networks. Nat Neurosci. 2017 Oct 26;20(11):1517-1519.

15. Takeuchi T, Duszkiewicz AJ, Morris RG. The synaptic plasticity and memory hypothesis: encoding, storage and persistence. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2013 Dec 2;369(1633):20130288.

16. Titley HK, Brunel N, Hansel C. Toward a Neurocentric View of Learning. Neuron. 2017 Jul 5;95(1):19-32.

17. Tonegawa S, Pignatelli M, Roy DS, Ryan TJ. Memory engram storage and retrieval. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2015 Dec;35:101-9.

18. Uematsu A, Tan BZ, Ycu EA, Cuevas JS, Koivumaa J, Junyent F, Kremer EJ, Witten IB, Deisseroth K, Johansen JP. Modular organization of the brainstem noradrenaline system coordinates opposing learning states. Nat Neurosci. 2017 Nov;20(11):1602-1611.

MODULE#2-Neurobiology of addition

1. Principios de Neurociencia. D.E. Haines. Elsevier, 2003

2. Neurobiology of Addiction GF Koob y M LeMoal. Academic Press, 2006

3. Di Marzo V. A brief history of cannabinoid and endocannabinoid pharmacology as inspired by the work of British scientists. Trends in Pharmacological Science 27: 134-40, 2006.

4. Di Marzo V. The endocannabinoid system: its general strategy of action, tools for its pharmacological manipulation and potential therapeutic exploitation. Pharmacol Res. 60: 77-84, 2009.

5. Parvaz MA, Alia-Klein N, Woicik PA, Volkow ND, Goldstein RZ. Neuroimaging for drug addiction and related behaviors. Rev Neurosci. 22: 609-24, 2011.

6. Goldstein RZ, Volkow ND. Dysfunction of the prefrontal cortex in addiction: neuroimaging findings and clinical implications. Nat Rev Neurosci. 12: 652-69, 2011.

7. Piccioto M. Nicotine as a modulator of behavior: beyond the inverted U. Trends in Pharmacological Science, 24: 493-499, 2003.

8. Hyman SE, Malenka RC. Addiction and the brain: the neurobiology of compulsion and its persistence. Nature Rev. 2: 695-703, 2001.

9. Maldonado R., Valverde O, Berrendero F. Involvement of the endocannabinoid

system in drug addiction. Trends in Neuroscience. 2006 Apr;29(4):225-32.

10. Le Foll B, Gallo A, Le Strat Y, Lu L, Gorwood P Genetics of dopamine receptors and drug addiction: a comprehensive review. Behav Pharmacol. 2009 Feb;20(1):1-17

11. Crabbe JC Review. Neurogenetic studies of alcohol addiction. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2008 Oct 12;363(1507):3201-11.

12. Wiskerke J, Pattij T, Schoffelmeer AN, De Vries TJ. The role of CB1 receptors in psychostimulant addiction. Addict Biol. 2008 Jun;13(2):225-38.

13. Contet C, Kieffer BL, Befort K Mu opioid receptor: a gateway to drug addiction. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2004 Jun;14(3):370-8.


MODULE#3-Neurobiology of Pain

- American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, DSM-5. (5th ed.). Washington, DC:
- Basbaum AI, Bushnell MC (eds.) Science of pain. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2009.
- Brunton L., Knollmann B., Hilal-Dandan R. (2018). Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 13th Edition. McGraw-Hill. New York.
- McMahon SB, Koltzenburg M. Wall and Melzack’s tratado del dolor. 5ª ed. Barcelona: Elsevier 2007.
- Stahl, S. M. (2013). Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology. Neuroscientific basis and practical applications 4th Edition. Cambridge University Press. New York.
- Stahl, S. M. (2017). Prescriber's Guide: Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology. 6th Edition. Cambridge University Press. New York.
- Stahl, S. M. (2009). Stahl's Illustrated. Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia.

Academic Year: 2022/23

30998 - Topics in Neurosciences

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Course:
Academic Center:
802 - Masters Centre of the Engineering Department
804 - Masters Centre of the Department of Medicine and Life Sciences
1021 - Master in Computational Biomedical Engineering
8041 - Master in Biomedical Research
30998 - Topics in Neurosciences
Teaching languages:
Theory: Group 1: English
Rafael Maldonado Lopez, Olga Valverde Granados, Andres Ozaita Mintegui, Ana Martin Sanchez, Laia Alegre Zurano, Alba Garcia Baos, Beltran Alvarez Perez, Lucia de los Reyes Ramirez, Araceli Bergada Martinez, Elena Martin Garcia
Teaching Period:
First quarter


This Course aims to present students the neurobiological mechanisms underlying neuronal plasticity for learning, addiction and pain. The three modules offered (Cellular and molecular bases of plasticity and learning, Neurobiology of addiction, and Neurobiology of pain) are also offered in the Interuniversitary Master in Neuroscience coordinated by Universitat de Barcelona.

The course is intended for graduate students in life sciences and students must chose two of the three modules offered (see below).

Classes will combine theoretical and practice content (based on cases) at classrooms of the School of Health and Life Sciences (Dr. Aiguader, 80).

Details concerning the subject

Name of the subject: Topics in Neuroscience
Code: TN
Type of subject: Optional
Total hours: Students will choose two out of the three Modules to complete the subject. The mark for the subject will be the average of the marks obtained in the two Modules.
The specifics of the calendar for these Modules are determined by Universitat de Barcelona (Interuniversitary Master in Neuroscience)

-Module#1 Cellular and molecular bases of plasticity and learning.

-Module#2 Neurobiology of addiction.  

-Module#3 Neurobiology of pain

For questions about the dates, contact the coordinator of the subject. Dates will be determined by  Universitat de Barcelona.

Place: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Area Mar, Edifici Dr. Aiguader, 80, Barcelona).
Classroom: Indicated for each Module.

Associated skills

This course uses formal lectures on updated scientific literature on the subject of each module. Students are expected to interact during the lectures to allow highlighting those more recent aspects on neuroscience research. Students will produce presentations in specific subjects, as well as prepare focused assays. 

The presentations will also address the use of the knowledge on each of the modules to design better therapies that can lead to cognitive improvement, addiction treatment or pain management.

Learning outcomes


- Get exposed, on each of the subjects, to a broad/historic aspect to the most recent advances. Such approach provides an interesting perspective in order to allocated and evaluate new findings in the field of Neuroscience.



- Provide the basics to understand the specialized literature on each of the subjects.

- Help understand the bases for established and experimental therapies targeting the brain.

- Practical Hands-on session in behavioral and cellular approaches in the study of brain plasticity.

Sustainable Development Goals

#GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being

#GOAL 4: Quality Education



Previous background. Classes will be at an advanced level, with an emphasis of neuronal processes from molecular to cellular to behavioral outcomes. Students are expected to have knowledge on Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Basic Psychobiology, equivalent to the level achieved in a University degree in Biological Sciences.



Contact and coordination for Module#1: Dr. Andrés Ozaita (

Aim: The aim of Module#1 is to understand the basic mechanisms (cellular and molecular) involved in the unique plastic ability in the central nervous system.

Languages: English

Session 1
1. An introduction to neural plasticity.
2. Signs of plasticity and its modulation.

Session 2
3. Main molecular players in learning and memory (I).
4. Main molecular players in learning and memory (II).

Session 3
5. Translational mechanisms of neuronal plasticity and memory.
6. Cell type-specific approaches to assess translation in the brain.

Session 4
7. Cellular mechanisms in learning and memory (I).
8. Cellular mechanisms in learning and memory (II).

Session 5
9. Electrophysiological approaches to study synaptic plasticity in vitro and ex vivo (I).
10. Electrophysiological approaches to study synaptic plasticity in vitro and ex vivo (II, Hands-on).

Session 6
Practical Session
11. Behavioral methods to study learning and memory in mice (I).

12. Behavioral methods to study learning and memory in mice (II, Hands-on).

Session 7
13. In vivo electrophysiological strategies to study the cellular bases of plasticity (I).
14. In vivo electrophysiological strategies to study the cellular bases of plasticity (II).



Contact and coordination for Module#2: Prof. Olga Valverde (

Aim: Behavioral, functional, and molecular studies in animal models have improved the understanding of different processes related to drug addiction. The aim of this module is to improve the knowledge of the different adaptive phenomena leading to drug addiction by using a multidisciplinary approach.

Languages: English and Spanish

Tema 1.- Bases neurobiológicas implicadas en el proceso adictivo. Principales teorías. Epidemiología de las toxicomanias. Factores de género.

Tema 2.- Alteraciones moleculares y celulares que se desarrollan en el proceso adictivo.

Tema 3.- La adicción de drogas y los fenómenos de plasticidad sináptica.

Tema 4.- Factores epigenéticos que influyen el la adicción de drogas.

Drogas prototípicas y características particulares durante su consumo.

Tema 5.- Psicoestimulantes.

Tema 6.- Nicotina.

Tema 7.- Opioides.

Tema 8.- Cannabinoides.

Tema 9.- Consumo de alcohol.

Tema 10.- Tratamientos y manejo de las adicciones.


1.- Nuevas sustancias psicoactivas.

2.- Gambling. Adicciones sin sustancias.



Contact and coordination for Module#3: Dr. Elena Martín-Garcia ( and Rafael Maldonado (

Aim: The aim of Module#3 is to understand, from a neurobiological perspective, the physiological basics of pain and the pharmacological approaches to its treatment.

Languages: Spanish, English and Catalan

Unit 1. Introduction to the neurobiology of pain.
Unit 2. Pain physiology (I): the nociceptor and its environment.
Unit 3. Pain physiology (II): the endocannabinoid system.
Unit 4. Pain physiology (III): the opioid system.
Unit 5. Pain physiology (IV): nociceptive transmission in the spinal cord.

Unit 6. Pain physiology (V): encephalic nociceptive transmission.
Exam 1. Short questions exam.
Unit 7. Genetics and pain.
Unit 8. Pain disorders.
Unit 9. Pain drugs.
Unit 10. Mental disorders and chronic pain.
Practical class. Preparation of a journal club session.
Exam 2. Multiple choice questions exam.
Exam 3. Oral group presentation.






Teaching Methods

The course is divided in lectures to present specific topics (70%), and practical sessions and seminars (30 %) where students will confront specific experimental problems that can be presented in computer rooms through the use of specific software, the visualization of videos for behavioral experiments, or through the experience of a specific researcher in a subject of interest for the topic.


Exams will be held at the end of each Module, and the final mark for the whole subject “Topics in Neuroscience” will consist on the average of the marks for the two Modules attended. It is necessary to obtain a minimum of 4 on each module for the mark to be considered for averaging with the other module.


EVALUATION FOR MODULE#1-Cellular and molecular bases of plasticity and learning

The evaluation will consider:

- Exam: 60 % written assay. You need a minimum of 4/10 in the written exam to pass the subject.

- Attendance and participation: 20 %

- Student activities, 20 %

- OPTIONAL: Written assay (additional 1 point of the final mark for the module#1).



EVALUATION FOR MODULE#2-Neurobiology of addition

Theoretical knowledge will be evaluated as well as attendance and participation in supervised activities.

Elaboration of an assay/presentation: Students must present a critical work on a scientific article on addictions that has been published in the last three years (2020; 2021; 2022) in one of the first quartile scientific journals (JCR-Q1). The work consists of doing a synthesis of the article, with a final critical comment that must be presented as a series of 5 slides that will be delivered to the professor. There will be no oral presentation of the work. The work can be done in Spanish, Catalan or English.

Written test: this is an exam of short questions (10-15 questions) and a grade equal to or greater than 4/10 must be obtained so that it can be averaged with the rest of the activities that participate in the evaluation.

Continuous assessment:
Attendance: 20%
Work: 20%
Written test: 60%


EVALUATION FOR MODULE#3-Neurobiology of Pain

This module uses a continuous assessment method by the realization of 3 evaluations. Specifically, two exams will be written, and a journal club presentation will be oral.

The contents evaluated in these tests will be cumulative. Thus, each test will evaluate aspects of the module already evaluated in the previous tests.

The final mark of the continuous evaluation of the module will be obtained from the weighted average of the assessment activities carried out.

The relative weight of each of the learning evidence or exams is specified below:

  1. Exam 1: EV1: 30% (Short questions exam: open questions about the first units: Unit 1 to 6).
  2. Exam 2: EV2: 30% (Multiple choice questions exam: questions about the basic knowledge test of all the following contents of the subject: Unit 1 to 9).
  3. Exam 3: EV3: 40% (Oral group presentation: final oral presentation of a scientific paper resembling a journal club).

Characteristics of the oral presentation of a scientific paper:

      • Groups of 3 students.
      • Presentation (15’).
      • Sections: Introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions.
      • Each group must select a different scientific paper related to mental disorders and chronic pain.

The grades will be from 0 to 10. To pass the course, it is necessary to obtain more than 5 points. There is no possibility of re-evaluation.

Class attendance must be at least 80%.


Bibliography and information resources

MODULE#1-Cellular and molecular bases of plasticity and learning

1. Bannerman DM, Sprengel R, Sanderson DJ, McHugh SB, Rawlins JN, Monyer H, Seeburg PH. Hippocampal synaptic plasticity, spatial memory and anxiety. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2014 Mar;15(3):181-92.

2. Basu J, Siegelbaum SA. The Corticohippocampal Circuit, Synaptic Plasticity, and Memory. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 2015 Nov 2;7(11). pii: a021733.

3. Bocchio M, Nabavi S, Capogna M. Synaptic Plasticity, Engrams, and Network Oscillations in Amygdala Circuits for Storage and Retrieval of Emotional Memories. Neuron. 2017 May 17;94(4):731-743.

4. Galsworthy MJ, Paya-Cano JL, Liu L, Monleon S, Gregoryan G, Fernandes C, Schalkwyk LC, Plomin R. Assessing reliability, heritability and general cognitive ability in a battery of cognitive tasks for laboratory mice. Behav Genet. 2005 Sep;35(5):675-92.

5. Giese KP, Mizuno K. The roles of protein kinases in learning and memory. Learn Mem. 2013 Sep 16;20(10):540-52.

6. Kim S, Kaang BK. Epigenetic regulation and chromatin remodeling in learning and memory. Exp Mol Med. 2017 Jan 13;49(1):e281.

7. Knott GW, Holtmaat A, Wilbrecht L, Welker E, Svoboda K. Spine growth precedes synapse formation in the adult neocortex in vivo. Nat Neurosci. 2006 Sep;9(9):1117-24

8. Kreutz MR, Sala C (eds). Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. Synaptic plasticity. Dinamics, development and disease. Springer (2012).

9. Levenson JM, Sweatt JD. Epigenetic mechanisms in memory formation. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2005 Feb;6(2):108-18.

10. Lopez-Atalaya JP, Barco A. Can changes in histone acetylation contribute to memory formation? Trends Genet. 2014 Dec;30(12):529-39.

11. Neves G, Cooke SF, Bliss TV. Synaptic plasticity, memory and the hippocampus: a neural network approach to causality. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2008 Jan;9(1):65-75.

12. Nikolaienko O, Patil S, Eriksen MS, Bramham CR. Arc protein: a flexible hub for synaptic plasticity and cognition. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 2018 May;77:33-42.

13. Rossetti T, Banerjee S, Kim C, Leubner M, Lamar C, Gupta P, Lee B, Neve R, Lisman J. Memory Erasure Experiments Indicate a Critical Role of CaMKII in Memory Storage. Neuron. 2017 Sep 27;96(1):207-216.

14. Seo DO, Bruchas MR. Polymorphic computation in locus coeruleus networks. Nat Neurosci. 2017 Oct 26;20(11):1517-1519.

15. Takeuchi T, Duszkiewicz AJ, Morris RG. The synaptic plasticity and memory hypothesis: encoding, storage and persistence. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2013 Dec 2;369(1633):20130288.

16. Titley HK, Brunel N, Hansel C. Toward a Neurocentric View of Learning. Neuron. 2017 Jul 5;95(1):19-32.

17. Tonegawa S, Pignatelli M, Roy DS, Ryan TJ. Memory engram storage and retrieval. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2015 Dec;35:101-9.

18. Uematsu A, Tan BZ, Ycu EA, Cuevas JS, Koivumaa J, Junyent F, Kremer EJ, Witten IB, Deisseroth K, Johansen JP. Modular organization of the brainstem noradrenaline system coordinates opposing learning states. Nat Neurosci. 2017 Nov;20(11):1602-1611.

MODULE#2-Neurobiology of addition

1. Principios de Neurociencia. D.E. Haines. Elsevier, 2003

2. Neurobiology of Addiction GF Koob y M LeMoal. Academic Press, 2006

3. Di Marzo V. A brief history of cannabinoid and endocannabinoid pharmacology as inspired by the work of British scientists. Trends in Pharmacological Science 27: 134-40, 2006.

4. Di Marzo V. The endocannabinoid system: its general strategy of action, tools for its pharmacological manipulation and potential therapeutic exploitation. Pharmacol Res. 60: 77-84, 2009.

5. Parvaz MA, Alia-Klein N, Woicik PA, Volkow ND, Goldstein RZ. Neuroimaging for drug addiction and related behaviors. Rev Neurosci. 22: 609-24, 2011.

6. Goldstein RZ, Volkow ND. Dysfunction of the prefrontal cortex in addiction: neuroimaging findings and clinical implications. Nat Rev Neurosci. 12: 652-69, 2011.

7. Piccioto M. Nicotine as a modulator of behavior: beyond the inverted U. Trends in Pharmacological Science, 24: 493-499, 2003.

8. Hyman SE, Malenka RC. Addiction and the brain: the neurobiology of compulsion and its persistence. Nature Rev. 2: 695-703, 2001.

9. Maldonado R., Valverde O, Berrendero F. Involvement of the endocannabinoid

system in drug addiction. Trends in Neuroscience. 2006 Apr;29(4):225-32.

10. Le Foll B, Gallo A, Le Strat Y, Lu L, Gorwood P Genetics of dopamine receptors and drug addiction: a comprehensive review. Behav Pharmacol. 2009 Feb;20(1):1-17

11. Crabbe JC Review. Neurogenetic studies of alcohol addiction. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2008 Oct 12;363(1507):3201-11.

12. Wiskerke J, Pattij T, Schoffelmeer AN, De Vries TJ. The role of CB1 receptors in psychostimulant addiction. Addict Biol. 2008 Jun;13(2):225-38.

13. Contet C, Kieffer BL, Befort K Mu opioid receptor: a gateway to drug addiction. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2004 Jun;14(3):370-8.


MODULE#3-Neurobiology of Pain

- American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, DSM-5. (5th ed.). Washington, DC:
- Basbaum AI, Bushnell MC (eds.) Science of pain. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2009.
- Brunton L., Knollmann B., Hilal-Dandan R. (2018). Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 13th Edition. McGraw-Hill. New York.
- McMahon SB, Koltzenburg M. Wall and Melzack’s tratado del dolor. 5ª ed. Barcelona: Elsevier 2007.
- Stahl, S. M. (2013). Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology. Neuroscientific basis and practical applications 4th Edition. Cambridge University Press. New York.
- Stahl, S. M. (2017). Prescriber's Guide: Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology. 6th Edition. Cambridge University Press. New York.
- Stahl, S. M. (2009). Stahl's Illustrated. Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia.

Curso Académico: 2022/23

30998 - Progresos en Neurociencias

Información del Plan Docente

Curso Académico:
Centro académico:
802 - Centro Másteres del Departamento de Ingeniería
804 - Centro Másteres del Departamento de Medicina y Ciencias de la Vida
1021 - Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Biomédica Computacional
8041 - Máster Universitario en Investigación Biomédica (BIOMED)
30998 - Progresos en Neurociencias
Idiomas de docencia:
Teoría: Grupo 1: Inglés
Rafael Maldonado Lopez, Olga Valverde Granados, Andres Ozaita Mintegui, Ana Martin Sanchez, Laia Alegre Zurano, Alba Garcia Baos, Beltran Alvarez Perez, Lucia de los Reyes Ramirez, Araceli Bergada Martinez, Elena Martin Garcia
Periodo de Impartición:
Primer trimestre


This Course aims to present students the neurobiological mechanisms underlying neuronal plasticity for learning, addiction and pain. The three modules offered (Cellular and molecular bases of plasticity and learning, Neurobiology of addiction, and Neurobiology of pain) are also offered in the Interuniversitary Master in Neuroscience coordinated by Universitat de Barcelona.

The course is intended for graduate students in life sciences and students must chose two of the three modules offered (see below).

Classes will combine theoretical and practice content (based on cases) at classrooms of the School of Health and Life Sciences (Dr. Aiguader, 80).

Details concerning the subject

Name of the subject: Topics in Neuroscience
Code: TN
Type of subject: Optional
Total hours: Students will choose two out of the three Modules to complete the subject. The mark for the subject will be the average of the marks obtained in the two Modules.
The specifics of the calendar for these Modules are determined by Universitat de Barcelona (Interuniversitary Master in Neuroscience)

-Module#1 Cellular and molecular bases of plasticity and learning.

-Module#2 Neurobiology of addiction.  

-Module#3 Neurobiology of pain

For questions about the dates, contact the coordinator of the subject. Dates will be determined by  Universitat de Barcelona.

Place: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Area Mar, Edifici Dr. Aiguader, 80, Barcelona).
Classroom: Indicated for each Module.

Competencias asociadas

This course uses formal lectures on updated scientific literature on the subject of each module. Students are expected to interact during the lectures to allow highlighting those more recent aspects on neuroscience research. Students will produce presentations in specific subjects, as well as prepare focused assays. 

The presentations will also address the use of the knowledge on each of the modules to design better therapies that can lead to cognitive improvement, addiction treatment or pain management.

Resultados del aprendizaje


- Get exposed, on each of the subjects, to a broad/historic aspect to the most recent advances. Such approach provides an interesting perspective in order to allocated and evaluate new findings in the field of Neuroscience.



- Provide the basics to understand the specialized literature on each of the subjects.

- Help understand the bases for established and experimental therapies targeting the brain.

- Practical Hands-on session in behavioral and cellular approaches in the study of brain plasticity.

Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

#GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being

#GOAL 4: Quality Education



Previous background. Classes will be at an advanced level, with an emphasis of neuronal processes from molecular to cellular to behavioral outcomes. Students are expected to have knowledge on Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Basic Psychobiology, equivalent to the level achieved in a University degree in Biological Sciences.



Contact and coordination for Module#1: Dr. Andrés Ozaita (

Aim: The aim of Module#1 is to understand the basic mechanisms (cellular and molecular) involved in the unique plastic ability in the central nervous system.

Languages: English

Session 1
1. An introduction to neural plasticity.
2. Signs of plasticity and its modulation.

Session 2
3. Main molecular players in learning and memory (I).
4. Main molecular players in learning and memory (II).

Session 3
5. Translational mechanisms of neuronal plasticity and memory.
6. Cell type-specific approaches to assess translation in the brain.

Session 4
7. Cellular mechanisms in learning and memory (I).
8. Cellular mechanisms in learning and memory (II).

Session 5
9. Electrophysiological approaches to study synaptic plasticity in vitro and ex vivo (I).
10. Electrophysiological approaches to study synaptic plasticity in vitro and ex vivo (II, Hands-on).

Session 6
Practical Session
11. Behavioral methods to study learning and memory in mice (I).

12. Behavioral methods to study learning and memory in mice (II, Hands-on).

Session 7
13. In vivo electrophysiological strategies to study the cellular bases of plasticity (I).
14. In vivo electrophysiological strategies to study the cellular bases of plasticity (II).



Contact and coordination for Module#2: Prof. Olga Valverde (

Aim: Behavioral, functional, and molecular studies in animal models have improved the understanding of different processes related to drug addiction. The aim of this module is to improve the knowledge of the different adaptive phenomena leading to drug addiction by using a multidisciplinary approach.

Languages: English and Spanish

Tema 1.- Bases neurobiológicas implicadas en el proceso adictivo. Principales teorías. Epidemiología de las toxicomanias. Factores de género.

Tema 2.- Alteraciones moleculares y celulares que se desarrollan en el proceso adictivo.

Tema 3.- La adicción de drogas y los fenómenos de plasticidad sináptica.

Tema 4.- Factores epigenéticos que influyen el la adicción de drogas.

Drogas prototípicas y características particulares durante su consumo.

Tema 5.- Psicoestimulantes.

Tema 6.- Nicotina.

Tema 7.- Opioides.

Tema 8.- Cannabinoides.

Tema 9.- Consumo de alcohol.

Tema 10.- Tratamientos y manejo de las adicciones.


1.- Nuevas sustancias psicoactivas.

2.- Gambling. Adicciones sin sustancias.



Contact and coordination for Module#3: Dr. Elena Martín-Garcia ( and Rafael Maldonado (

Aim: The aim of Module#3 is to understand, from a neurobiological perspective, the physiological basics of pain and the pharmacological approaches to its treatment.

Languages: Spanish, English and Catalan

Unit 1. Introduction to the neurobiology of pain.
Unit 2. Pain physiology (I): the nociceptor and its environment.
Unit 3. Pain physiology (II): the endocannabinoid system.
Unit 4. Pain physiology (III): the opioid system.
Unit 5. Pain physiology (IV): nociceptive transmission in the spinal cord.

Unit 6. Pain physiology (V): encephalic nociceptive transmission.
Exam 1. Short questions exam.
Unit 7. Genetics and pain.
Unit 8. Pain disorders.
Unit 9. Pain drugs.
Unit 10. Mental disorders and chronic pain.
Practical class. Preparation of a journal club session.
Exam 2. Multiple choice questions exam.
Exam 3. Oral group presentation.






Metodología docente

The course is divided in lectures to present specific topics (70%), and practical sessions and seminars (30 %) where students will confront specific experimental problems that can be presented in computer rooms through the use of specific software, the visualization of videos for behavioral experiments, or through the experience of a specific researcher in a subject of interest for the topic.


Exams will be held at the end of each Module, and the final mark for the whole subject “Topics in Neuroscience” will consist on the average of the marks for the two Modules attended. It is necessary to obtain a minimum of 4 on each module for the mark to be considered for averaging with the other module.


EVALUATION FOR MODULE#1-Cellular and molecular bases of plasticity and learning

The evaluation will consider:

- Exam: 60 % written assay. You need a minimum of 4/10 in the written exam to pass the subject.

- Attendance and participation: 20 %

- Student activities, 20 %

- OPTIONAL: Written assay (additional 1 point of the final mark for the module#1).



EVALUATION FOR MODULE#2-Neurobiology of addition

Theoretical knowledge will be evaluated as well as attendance and participation in supervised activities.

Elaboration of an assay/presentation: Students must present a critical work on a scientific article on addictions that has been published in the last three years (2020; 2021; 2022) in one of the first quartile scientific journals (JCR-Q1). The work consists of doing a synthesis of the article, with a final critical comment that must be presented as a series of 5 slides that will be delivered to the professor. There will be no oral presentation of the work. The work can be done in Spanish, Catalan or English.

Written test: this is an exam of short questions (10-15 questions) and a grade equal to or greater than 4/10 must be obtained so that it can be averaged with the rest of the activities that participate in the evaluation.

Continuous assessment:
Attendance: 20%
Work: 20%
Written test: 60%


EVALUATION FOR MODULE#3-Neurobiology of Pain

This module uses a continuous assessment method by the realization of 3 evaluations. Specifically, two exams will be written, and a journal club presentation will be oral.

The contents evaluated in these tests will be cumulative. Thus, each test will evaluate aspects of the module already evaluated in the previous tests.

The final mark of the continuous evaluation of the module will be obtained from the weighted average of the assessment activities carried out.

The relative weight of each of the learning evidence or exams is specified below:

  1. Exam 1: EV1: 30% (Short questions exam: open questions about the first units: Unit 1 to 6).
  2. Exam 2: EV2: 30% (Multiple choice questions exam: questions about the basic knowledge test of all the following contents of the subject: Unit 1 to 9).
  3. Exam 3: EV3: 40% (Oral group presentation: final oral presentation of a scientific paper resembling a journal club).

Characteristics of the oral presentation of a scientific paper:

      • Groups of 3 students.
      • Presentation (15’).
      • Sections: Introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions.
      • Each group must select a different scientific paper related to mental disorders and chronic pain.

The grades will be from 0 to 10. To pass the course, it is necessary to obtain more than 5 points. There is no possibility of re-evaluation.

Class attendance must be at least 80%.


Bibliografía y recursos de información

MODULE#1-Cellular and molecular bases of plasticity and learning

1. Bannerman DM, Sprengel R, Sanderson DJ, McHugh SB, Rawlins JN, Monyer H, Seeburg PH. Hippocampal synaptic plasticity, spatial memory and anxiety. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2014 Mar;15(3):181-92.

2. Basu J, Siegelbaum SA. The Corticohippocampal Circuit, Synaptic Plasticity, and Memory. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 2015 Nov 2;7(11). pii: a021733.

3. Bocchio M, Nabavi S, Capogna M. Synaptic Plasticity, Engrams, and Network Oscillations in Amygdala Circuits for Storage and Retrieval of Emotional Memories. Neuron. 2017 May 17;94(4):731-743.

4. Galsworthy MJ, Paya-Cano JL, Liu L, Monleon S, Gregoryan G, Fernandes C, Schalkwyk LC, Plomin R. Assessing reliability, heritability and general cognitive ability in a battery of cognitive tasks for laboratory mice. Behav Genet. 2005 Sep;35(5):675-92.

5. Giese KP, Mizuno K. The roles of protein kinases in learning and memory. Learn Mem. 2013 Sep 16;20(10):540-52.

6. Kim S, Kaang BK. Epigenetic regulation and chromatin remodeling in learning and memory. Exp Mol Med. 2017 Jan 13;49(1):e281.

7. Knott GW, Holtmaat A, Wilbrecht L, Welker E, Svoboda K. Spine growth precedes synapse formation in the adult neocortex in vivo. Nat Neurosci. 2006 Sep;9(9):1117-24

8. Kreutz MR, Sala C (eds). Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. Synaptic plasticity. Dinamics, development and disease. Springer (2012).

9. Levenson JM, Sweatt JD. Epigenetic mechanisms in memory formation. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2005 Feb;6(2):108-18.

10. Lopez-Atalaya JP, Barco A. Can changes in histone acetylation contribute to memory formation? Trends Genet. 2014 Dec;30(12):529-39.

11. Neves G, Cooke SF, Bliss TV. Synaptic plasticity, memory and the hippocampus: a neural network approach to causality. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2008 Jan;9(1):65-75.

12. Nikolaienko O, Patil S, Eriksen MS, Bramham CR. Arc protein: a flexible hub for synaptic plasticity and cognition. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 2018 May;77:33-42.

13. Rossetti T, Banerjee S, Kim C, Leubner M, Lamar C, Gupta P, Lee B, Neve R, Lisman J. Memory Erasure Experiments Indicate a Critical Role of CaMKII in Memory Storage. Neuron. 2017 Sep 27;96(1):207-216.

14. Seo DO, Bruchas MR. Polymorphic computation in locus coeruleus networks. Nat Neurosci. 2017 Oct 26;20(11):1517-1519.

15. Takeuchi T, Duszkiewicz AJ, Morris RG. The synaptic plasticity and memory hypothesis: encoding, storage and persistence. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2013 Dec 2;369(1633):20130288.

16. Titley HK, Brunel N, Hansel C. Toward a Neurocentric View of Learning. Neuron. 2017 Jul 5;95(1):19-32.

17. Tonegawa S, Pignatelli M, Roy DS, Ryan TJ. Memory engram storage and retrieval. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2015 Dec;35:101-9.

18. Uematsu A, Tan BZ, Ycu EA, Cuevas JS, Koivumaa J, Junyent F, Kremer EJ, Witten IB, Deisseroth K, Johansen JP. Modular organization of the brainstem noradrenaline system coordinates opposing learning states. Nat Neurosci. 2017 Nov;20(11):1602-1611.

MODULE#2-Neurobiology of addition

1. Principios de Neurociencia. D.E. Haines. Elsevier, 2003

2. Neurobiology of Addiction GF Koob y M LeMoal. Academic Press, 2006

3. Di Marzo V. A brief history of cannabinoid and endocannabinoid pharmacology as inspired by the work of British scientists. Trends in Pharmacological Science 27: 134-40, 2006.

4. Di Marzo V. The endocannabinoid system: its general strategy of action, tools for its pharmacological manipulation and potential therapeutic exploitation. Pharmacol Res. 60: 77-84, 2009.

5. Parvaz MA, Alia-Klein N, Woicik PA, Volkow ND, Goldstein RZ. Neuroimaging for drug addiction and related behaviors. Rev Neurosci. 22: 609-24, 2011.

6. Goldstein RZ, Volkow ND. Dysfunction of the prefrontal cortex in addiction: neuroimaging findings and clinical implications. Nat Rev Neurosci. 12: 652-69, 2011.

7. Piccioto M. Nicotine as a modulator of behavior: beyond the inverted U. Trends in Pharmacological Science, 24: 493-499, 2003.

8. Hyman SE, Malenka RC. Addiction and the brain: the neurobiology of compulsion and its persistence. Nature Rev. 2: 695-703, 2001.

9. Maldonado R., Valverde O, Berrendero F. Involvement of the endocannabinoid

system in drug addiction. Trends in Neuroscience. 2006 Apr;29(4):225-32.

10. Le Foll B, Gallo A, Le Strat Y, Lu L, Gorwood P Genetics of dopamine receptors and drug addiction: a comprehensive review. Behav Pharmacol. 2009 Feb;20(1):1-17

11. Crabbe JC Review. Neurogenetic studies of alcohol addiction. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2008 Oct 12;363(1507):3201-11.

12. Wiskerke J, Pattij T, Schoffelmeer AN, De Vries TJ. The role of CB1 receptors in psychostimulant addiction. Addict Biol. 2008 Jun;13(2):225-38.

13. Contet C, Kieffer BL, Befort K Mu opioid receptor: a gateway to drug addiction. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2004 Jun;14(3):370-8.


MODULE#3-Neurobiology of Pain

- American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, DSM-5. (5th ed.). Washington, DC:
- Basbaum AI, Bushnell MC (eds.) Science of pain. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2009.
- Brunton L., Knollmann B., Hilal-Dandan R. (2018). Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 13th Edition. McGraw-Hill. New York.
- McMahon SB, Koltzenburg M. Wall and Melzack’s tratado del dolor. 5ª ed. Barcelona: Elsevier 2007.
- Stahl, S. M. (2013). Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology. Neuroscientific basis and practical applications 4th Edition. Cambridge University Press. New York.
- Stahl, S. M. (2017). Prescriber's Guide: Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology. 6th Edition. Cambridge University Press. New York.
- Stahl, S. M. (2009). Stahl's Illustrated. Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia.