Consulta de Guies Docents

Curs Acadèmic: 2022/23

3378 - Grau en Enginyeria Biomèdica

26229 - Gestió Transversal d'Activitats Científiques

Informació del Pla Docent

Curs acadèmic:
Centre acadèmic:
337 - Escola d'Enginyeria
3378 - Grau en Enginyeria Biomèdica
26229 - Gestió Transversal d'Activitats Científiques
Idiomes de docència:
Teoria: Grup 1: Anglès, Castellà
Pràctiques: Grup 101: Català
Grup 102: Català
Seminari: Grup 101: Català, Anglès
Miguel Angel Gonzalez Ballester, Maria Pilar Rivera Gil
Periode d'Impartició:
Tercer trimestre


The course is related to the management of Scientific Processes. It consists on a project carried out by students during the 4th year of their studies, in an autonomous way and guided by the coordinators (Miguel A. González Ballester, DTIC, and Pilar Rivera Gil, DCEXS) of the course. It has an academic charge of 4 ECTS. Briefly, the course consists on the organization and management of scientific processes. Examples include manuscripts peer reviewing activities or scientific event organization.

Competències associades

Awareness of different aspects related to the biomedical engineering field:  



  • Innovation & Creativity: Generates new, varied, and unique ideas, and makes connections between previously unrelated ideas.
  • Flexibility & Adaptability: Synthesizes and integrates ideas; brainstorms to produce new ideas or results; able to adjust or change to best meet the needs of the situation or environment.
  • Verbal Communications: Articulates thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively to exchange information.
  • Written Communication: Clearly exchanges information using appropriate platforms to deliver messages.



  • Critical Thinking & Problem Solving: Exercises sound reasoning to analyze issues, make decisions, and overcome problems.
  • Quantitative Reasoning: The application of mathematical, logical, and statistical skills to interpret data and produce new information.
  • Digital Literacy: Leveraging existing digital technologies ethically and efficiently to solve problems, complete tasks and accomplish goals.
  • Technical Aptitude: Skillful in use of tools, hardware, software, and equipment.



  • Teamwork & Collaboration: Builds collaborative relationships with colleagues. 
  • Global Fluency: Demonstrates openness, values differences, and practices inclusiveness.
  • Professionalism & Work Ethic: Demonstrates personal accountability and effective work habits, e.g., punctuality, working productively with others, and time management.
  • Initiative: Independently determining what needs to be done and acting on it.
  • Leadership: Leverages the strengths of others to achieve common goals and uses interpersonal skills to coach and develop others.
  • Project Management: Initiates, structures, and carries out steps to complete projects and tasks.


Resultats de l'aprenentatge

  • The ability to analyze in a logical/rational manner through empiricism scientific processes.
  • The ability to develop work ethic, efficient processes, and elimination of waste and to standardize best practices.
  • The ability to obtain, interpret, and use knowledge, facts, and data.
  • The ability to apply basics elements of project management.



  • The ability to process, generate and connect ideas and information into something new.
  • The ability to exchange information through verbal, written or non-verbal cues.
  • The ability to persuade using information, ideas to affect a desired outcome.
  • The ability to negotiate and provide agreeable solutions.



  • The ability to logically process information and data to produce useable results.
  • The ability to use tools, hardware, software and equipment to insure optimal functioning.



  •  The ability to establish and maintain productive and positive working relationships.
  • The ability to seek ways to enhance the wellbeing of your collaborators.
  • The ability to structure and carry out steps to complete projects and tasks.
  • The ability to motivate and empower individuals and groups to greater participation, commitment.
  • The ability to achieve excellence in performance by motivating others.


Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible

This course is aware and committed with The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. We will focus on the 17 sustainable development goals located at the heart of this Agenda. To this end, we have agreed to promote and encourage the students to think in favor of the society rather than an individual thinking following strategies reducing inequality, improving education, promoting digitalization, and tackling climate change. 


The student must be enrolled in her/his fourth year and in the Bachelor Thesis (Treball de Fi de Grau, TFG) course.


The Transversal Management of Scientific Activities course aims at developing tools to apply science to the engineering of processes to management. It consists on the organization and management of scientific processes. Those processes are related to the peer review evaluation of scientific documents and to the organization of a scientific event (i.e., the UPF Biomedical Engineering Students Congress).

To this end, the students are divided into different groups. Each group has specific tasks to fulfil. The different tasks are associated to deliverables. Deliverables* must be submitted and serve to track completion of tasks.

These are the groups suggested and the tasks associated: 


Example of tasks associated

Peer review (written manuscript)

To evaluate and give feedback of your peers’ written manuscript. To this end the members of this group act as Editors. They organize the peer review process in a blind manner, collect all information from the reviewers (all students) and submit a single doc to each reviewed BT.  

Peer review (oral manuscript)

  • To evaluate and give feedback of your peers’ oral presentations. To this end the members of this group act as Editors. They organize the peer review process, collect all information from the reviewers (all students) and submit a single doc to each reviewed BT.
  • To perform a workshop on how to make an oral scientific presentation.

Editing a Journal

  • To design a strategy for the creation of a Scientific Journal
  • To edit the Journal with the BTs
  • To edit the booklet of the congress
  • To edit the template for the BT


  • To record and edit the talks.
  • To create a YouTube channel to upload the talks.
  • The talks should include but are not limited to present the different BTs (max. 3 min). You can talk about different topics related to Biomedical Engineering.


  • To create a web page of the UPF Biomedical Engineering Students Congress
  • To ensure proper communication with the other groups to update the web with their information.


  • Disseminate information of the congress using social media (e.g. Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter)
  • Disseminate information of the congress among the Institutions involved in the supervision of the BTs (e.g. PRBB, DCEXS, DTIC, Hospital del Mar, UPC, Hospital Vall d’Hebron).
  • To create dissemination material e.g. poster of the event.

Sponsor & Logistics

  • To search for sponsors to cover costs of printing dissemination materials or catering during the event among other costs.
  • To organize the logistics of the event e.g. reception of the catering, organization of sponsors’ stands, sound supervision among other activities. 

Online/hybrid conference

  • To analyze the existing options for systems for online/hybrid conference organization.
  • To liaise with the services of the University to allow for online streaming / participation in the BT conference.

TFG administrative

  • To update the e-repositori of the events web and check the UPF repository.
  • To find alternatives to homogenize the access to the BT offer e.g. for students, externals, and UPF-professors.

Metodologia docent

The course is organized through autonomous and supervised student work.

We are committed to promote and train students' critical thinking but also  independent and pro-active thinking to transform their surroundings in a creative and innovative manner. 


Both professors will evaluate and will agree on the final grade. Grading criteria are:

  • Abilities developed by the student (see learning outcome table). This is linked to completion of objectives and to the degree of commitment to success in every task.
  • Evaluation of performance reports. The students will submit a report per group and individual reports describing their tasks, main objectives, coordination mechanisms, management mechanisms, among others. In general, to describe their performance activities.
  • A form provided by professors to evaluate difficulties encountered to fulfil the tasks and to evaluate the collaboration with other groups. As an extra value, you will use this form to suggest improvements for the course. 

Bibliografia i recursos d'informació


Academic Year: 2022/23

3378 - Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Engineering

26229 - Transversal Management of Scientific Activities

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Course:
Academic Center:
337 - Engineering School
3378 - Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Engineering
26229 - Transversal Management of Scientific Activities
Teaching languages:
Theory: Group 1: English, Spanish
Practice: Group 101: Catalan
Group 102: Catalan
Seminar: Group 101: Catalan, English
Miguel Angel Gonzalez Ballester, Maria Pilar Rivera Gil
Teaching Period:
Third quarter


The course is related to the management of Scientific Processes. It consists on a project carried out by students during the 4th year of their studies, in an autonomous way and guided by the coordinators (Miguel A. González Ballester, DTIC, and Pilar Rivera Gil, MELIS) of the course. It has an academic charge of 4 ECTS. Briefly, the course consists of the organization and management of scientific processes like editorial or scientific communication activities. In addition, the course includes interdisciplinary seminars where the students and teachers organize round tables on different topics related to their activities as biomedical engineers.

Associated skills

Awareness of different aspects related to the biomedical engineering field:




  • Innovation & Creativity: Generates new, varied, and unique ideas, and makes connections between previously unrelated ideas.
  • Flexibility & Adaptability: Synthesizes and integrates ideas; brainstorms to produce new ideas or results; able to adjust or change to best meet the needs of the situation or environment.
  • Verbal Communications: Articulates thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively to exchange information.
  • Written Communication: Clearly exchanges information using appropriate platforms to deliver messages.



  • Critical Thinking & Problem Solving: Exercises sound reasoning to analyze issues, make decisions, and overcome problems.
  • Quantitative Reasoning: The application of mathematical, logical, and statistical skills to interpret data and produce new information.
  • Digital Literacy: Leveraging existing digital technologies ethically and efficiently to solve problems, complete tasks and accomplish goals.
  • Technical Aptitude: Skillful in use of tools, hardware, software, and equipment.



  • Teamwork & Collaboration: Builds collaborative relationships with colleagues. 
  • Global Fluency: Demonstrates openness, values differences, and practices inclusiveness.
  • Professionalism & Work Ethic: Demonstrates personal accountability and effective work habits, e.g., punctuality, working productively with others, and time management.
  • Initiative: Independently determining what needs to be done and acting on it.
  • Leadership: Leverages the strengths of others to achieve common goals and uses interpersonal skills to coach and develop others.
  • Project Management: Initiates, structures, and carries out steps to complete projects and tasks.


Learning outcomes

  • The ability to analyze in a logical/rational manner through empiricism scientific processes.
  • The ability to develop work ethic, efficient processes, and elimination of waste and to standardize best practices.
  • The ability to obtain, interpret, and use knowledge, facts, and data.
  • The ability to apply basics elements of project management.




  • The ability to process, generate and connect ideas and information into something new.
  • The ability to exchange information through verbal, written or non-verbal cues.
  • The ability to persuade using information, ideas to affect a desired outcome.
  • The ability to negotiate and provide agreeable solutions.



  • The ability to logically process information and data to produce useable results.
  • The ability to use tools, hardware, software and equipment to insure optimal functioning.



  •  The ability to establish and maintain productive and positive working relationships.
  • The ability to seek ways to enhance the wellbeing of your collaborators.
  • The ability to structure and carry out steps to complete projects and tasks.
  • The ability to motivate and empower individuals and groups to greater participation, commitment.
  • The ability to achieve excellence in performance by motivating others.



Sustainable Development Goals

This course is aware and committed to The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. We will focus on the 17 sustainable development goals located at the heart of this Agenda. To this end, we have agreed to promote and encourage the students to think in favor of society rather than an individual thinking following strategies reducing inequality, improving education, promoting digitalization, and tackling climate change.


The student must be enrolled in her/his fourth year and in the Bachelor Thesis (Treball de Fi de Grau, TFG) course.


The Transversal Management of Scientific Activities course aims at developing tools to apply science to the engineering of processes to management. It consists of the organization and management of scientific processes. Those processes are scientific editing, scientific communication, and interdisciplinary seminars.

To this end, the students are divided into different groups. Each group has specific tasks to fulfil. The different tasks are associated with deliverables. Deliverables* must be submitted and served to track completion of tasks.

These are the groups suggested and the tasks associated:


Example of tasks associated

Scientific editing

Peer review

  • To evaluate and give feedback of your peers’ written and oral BT’s documents.
  • The members of this group distribute all BTs to the rest of the class (2 BT/student).
  • Each student must evaluate and suggest improvements to each BT and provide this information to the members of this group.
  • The members of this group collect all the reports for each BT, edit a single report and give it back to each student.
  • The process is blind and takes place twice. Before the midterm report and before submitting the final BT.
  • To co-organize with us two seminars, one on scientific writing and on oral communication.

Editing a Journal

  • To design a strategy to edit a journal containing the TFGs (upon authors’ permission) and other content related to Biomedical Engineering.
  • To manage and edit the contributions of the rest of the class.
  • To make the booklet of the event (digital and printed form) based on the Journal draft.

Scientific dissemination


  • To create content i.e., 1 every 2 weeks.
  • The contents must include: each BT and the interdisciplinary seminars.
  • To implement other content.
  • To record and edit the talks.

Social dissemination

  • Disseminate through the social media (Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter).
  • The dissemination material must be related to the BT of each student and to other topics related to the grade. The interdisciplinary seminars must be disseminated.
  • The rate must be 1 twitter and IG text every 2 days and 1 LinkedIn publication per week.
  • To create other dissemination material if required e.g., a poster.

Online/hybrid conference

  • Twitch is the streaming platform; however, the group must  analyze other alternatives and present their advantages/disadvantages.
  • To stream the interdisciplinary seminars.
  • To create a web page of the UPF Biomedical Engineering Congress 2023.
  • To ensure proper communication with the other groups to update the web with their information at real time.

Interdisciplinary seminars

  • Each seminar lasts 1h and there are 2 per lecture day.
  • Round table composed of students from at least 2 different topics. We will distribute the groups and the topics of each seminar.
  • The students involved must organize the seminar. This implies: (i) prepare their material for the seminar based on scientific articles, tedtalks, scientific activities, etc.; (ii) promote the discussion by preparing points/questions for the participants of the seminar; (iii) to engage the audience by for example, asking them questions; (iv) to analse the possibility of inviting a senior researcher.
  • All students must attend and participate in the seminars.


Mandatory activities to be assessable:

  1. Scientific editing:
  1. Peer reviewing:

Participate in the review of both documents (written and oral) at both phases (midterm and final).

Provide the appropriate report as indicated by the team.

Keep the timings given

  1. Journal editing

All students from different topics must contribute to an issue with at least one article (max. 2 people/article).

  1. Scientific dissemination:
  1. BioEngTalks@UPF:

Every student must present his/her BT in the form of an elevator pitch (max 3 min) 

Everyone must participate in 2 interdisciplinary seminars.

  1. Social dissemination: Every month all students must upload anything related to his/her e.g., an article that was read, some negative/positive results, some scientific/technical questions, publications, etc.
  2. Online/hybrid conference: To facilitate the managing of the streaming.
  1. Interdisciplinary seminars: all students must organize 2 seminars and all must attend and participate in all seminars.



During the first trimester, the coordinator(s) introduce the course and the students distribute themselves within the different working groups and will organize the topics and groups for the interdisciplinary seminars. Noteworthy that to fulfil this task it is important that students organize a Gant Chart*. A Gant Chart highlights the main tasks of each group, estimates timing for each task and anticipate manpower. It provides guidance for a homogenous workload within the tasks to ensure comparable participation of all students.

During the second and third trimester, there are 5 lectures per trimester. Hereby 2 are for activity reports and 3 for the seminars. Reports will be held on the first and the last lecture day of each trimester. 

Teaching Methods

The course is organized through autonomous and supervised student work.

We are committed to promoting and train students' critical thinking but also independent and pro-active thinking to transform their surroundings in a creative and innovative manner.


Both professors will evaluate and will agree on the final grade. Grading criteria are:

  • Completion of the assessable activities.
  • Abilities developed by the student (see learning outcome table): motivation, teamwork, managing abilities, strategic thinking, out of the box thinking, innovative, negotiating abilities among others.
  • Evaluation of performance reports. The students will submit a final report per group describing their tasks, distribution of tasks and manpower, main objectives achieved, coordination mechanisms, management mechanisms. In general, to describe their performance activities.
  • A form provided by professors to evaluate difficulties encountered to fulfil the tasks and to evaluate the collaboration with other groups. As an extra value, you will use this form to suggest improvements for the course.

Bibliography and information resources


Curs Acadèmic: 2022/23

3378 - Grau en Enginyeria Biomèdica

26229 - Gestió Transversal d'Activitats Científiques

Informació del Pla Docent

Curs acadèmic:
Centre acadèmic:
337 - Escola d'Enginyeria
3378 - Grau en Enginyeria Biomèdica
26229 - Gestió Transversal d'Activitats Científiques
Idiomes de docència:
Teoria: Grup 1: Anglès, Castellà
Pràctiques: Grup 101: Català
Grup 102: Català
Seminari: Grup 101: Català, Anglès
Miguel Angel Gonzalez Ballester, Maria Pilar Rivera Gil
Periode d'Impartició:
Tercer trimestre


The course is related to the management of Scientific Processes. It consists on a project carried out by students during the 4th year of their studies, in an autonomous way and guided by the coordinators (Miguel A. González Ballester, DTIC, and Pilar Rivera Gil, DCEXS) of the course. It has an academic charge of 4 ECTS. Briefly, the course consists on the organization and management of scientific processes. Examples include manuscripts peer reviewing activities or scientific event organization.

Competències associades

Awareness of different aspects related to the biomedical engineering field:  



  • Innovation & Creativity: Generates new, varied, and unique ideas, and makes connections between previously unrelated ideas.
  • Flexibility & Adaptability: Synthesizes and integrates ideas; brainstorms to produce new ideas or results; able to adjust or change to best meet the needs of the situation or environment.
  • Verbal Communications: Articulates thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively to exchange information.
  • Written Communication: Clearly exchanges information using appropriate platforms to deliver messages.



  • Critical Thinking & Problem Solving: Exercises sound reasoning to analyze issues, make decisions, and overcome problems.
  • Quantitative Reasoning: The application of mathematical, logical, and statistical skills to interpret data and produce new information.
  • Digital Literacy: Leveraging existing digital technologies ethically and efficiently to solve problems, complete tasks and accomplish goals.
  • Technical Aptitude: Skillful in use of tools, hardware, software, and equipment.



  • Teamwork & Collaboration: Builds collaborative relationships with colleagues. 
  • Global Fluency: Demonstrates openness, values differences, and practices inclusiveness.
  • Professionalism & Work Ethic: Demonstrates personal accountability and effective work habits, e.g., punctuality, working productively with others, and time management.
  • Initiative: Independently determining what needs to be done and acting on it.
  • Leadership: Leverages the strengths of others to achieve common goals and uses interpersonal skills to coach and develop others.
  • Project Management: Initiates, structures, and carries out steps to complete projects and tasks.


Resultats de l'aprenentatge

  • The ability to analyze in a logical/rational manner through empiricism scientific processes.
  • The ability to develop work ethic, efficient processes, and elimination of waste and to standardize best practices.
  • The ability to obtain, interpret, and use knowledge, facts, and data.
  • The ability to apply basics elements of project management.



  • The ability to process, generate and connect ideas and information into something new.
  • The ability to exchange information through verbal, written or non-verbal cues.
  • The ability to persuade using information, ideas to affect a desired outcome.
  • The ability to negotiate and provide agreeable solutions.



  • The ability to logically process information and data to produce useable results.
  • The ability to use tools, hardware, software and equipment to insure optimal functioning.



  •  The ability to establish and maintain productive and positive working relationships.
  • The ability to seek ways to enhance the wellbeing of your collaborators.
  • The ability to structure and carry out steps to complete projects and tasks.
  • The ability to motivate and empower individuals and groups to greater participation, commitment.
  • The ability to achieve excellence in performance by motivating others.


Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible

This course is aware and committed with The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. We will focus on the 17 sustainable development goals located at the heart of this Agenda. To this end, we have agreed to promote and encourage the students to think in favor of the society rather than an individual thinking following strategies reducing inequality, improving education, promoting digitalization, and tackling climate change. 


The student must be enrolled in her/his fourth year and in the Bachelor Thesis (Treball de Fi de Grau, TFG) course.


The Transversal Management of Scientific Activities course aims at developing tools to apply science to the engineering of processes to management. It consists on the organization and management of scientific processes. Those processes are related to the peer review evaluation of scientific documents and to the organization of a scientific event (i.e., the UPF Biomedical Engineering Students Congress).

To this end, the students are divided into different groups. Each group has specific tasks to fulfil. The different tasks are associated to deliverables. Deliverables* must be submitted and serve to track completion of tasks.

These are the groups suggested and the tasks associated: 


Example of tasks associated

Peer review (written manuscript)

To evaluate and give feedback of your peers’ written manuscript. To this end the members of this group act as Editors. They organize the peer review process in a blind manner, collect all information from the reviewers (all students) and submit a single doc to each reviewed BT.  

Peer review (oral manuscript)

  • To evaluate and give feedback of your peers’ oral presentations. To this end the members of this group act as Editors. They organize the peer review process, collect all information from the reviewers (all students) and submit a single doc to each reviewed BT.
  • To perform a workshop on how to make an oral scientific presentation.

Editing a Journal

  • To design a strategy for the creation of a Scientific Journal
  • To edit the Journal with the BTs
  • To edit the booklet of the congress
  • To edit the template for the BT


  • To record and edit the talks.
  • To create a YouTube channel to upload the talks.
  • The talks should include but are not limited to present the different BTs (max. 3 min). You can talk about different topics related to Biomedical Engineering.


  • To create a web page of the UPF Biomedical Engineering Students Congress
  • To ensure proper communication with the other groups to update the web with their information.


  • Disseminate information of the congress using social media (e.g. Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter)
  • Disseminate information of the congress among the Institutions involved in the supervision of the BTs (e.g. PRBB, DCEXS, DTIC, Hospital del Mar, UPC, Hospital Vall d’Hebron).
  • To create dissemination material e.g. poster of the event.

Sponsor & Logistics

  • To search for sponsors to cover costs of printing dissemination materials or catering during the event among other costs.
  • To organize the logistics of the event e.g. reception of the catering, organization of sponsors’ stands, sound supervision among other activities. 

Online/hybrid conference

  • To analyze the existing options for systems for online/hybrid conference organization.
  • To liaise with the services of the University to allow for online streaming / participation in the BT conference.

TFG administrative

  • To update the e-repositori of the events web and check the UPF repository.
  • To find alternatives to homogenize the access to the BT offer e.g. for students, externals, and UPF-professors.

Metodologia docent

The course is organized through autonomous and supervised student work.

We are committed to promote and train students' critical thinking but also  independent and pro-active thinking to transform their surroundings in a creative and innovative manner. 


Both professors will evaluate and will agree on the final grade. Grading criteria are:

  • Abilities developed by the student (see learning outcome table). This is linked to completion of objectives and to the degree of commitment to success in every task.
  • Evaluation of performance reports. The students will submit a report per group and individual reports describing their tasks, main objectives, coordination mechanisms, management mechanisms, among others. In general, to describe their performance activities.
  • A form provided by professors to evaluate difficulties encountered to fulfil the tasks and to evaluate the collaboration with other groups. As an extra value, you will use this form to suggest improvements for the course. 

Bibliografia i recursos d'informació
