Consulta de Guies Docents

Academic Year: 2022/23

26219 - History of Catalan Law

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Course:
Academic Center:
304 - Faculty of Law and Economics
331 - Faculty of Law
3041 - Double bachelor's degree programme in Law and Business Management and Administration / Economics
3312 - Bachelor's Degree in Law
26219 - History of Catalan Law
415 - Bachelor's degree in Law: 3
415 - Bachelor's degree in Law: 4
523 - Double bachelor's degree programme in Law and Business Management and Administration / Economics: 5
Teaching languages:
Theory: Group 1: English
Group 2: English
Josep Capdeferro Pla, Cornel-Peter Rodenbusch
Teaching Period:
First quarter


History of Catalan Law is an optional subject at the UPF Faculty of Law where both domestic and international students are welcome. This subject deals both with issues of public law and private law, covering many areas of medieval (10th-15th centuries) and early modern Catalonia (16th-18th centuries): parliamentary institutions, fiscal mechanisms, municipal organization, labour regulation, wills and other documents of succession and family law, litigation, etc. The course is based on the historical experience of Barcelona and Catalonia, but open to other European local and regional areas. The subject is taught in a very open way, combining different ingredients: teacher's explanations, reading and discussion of articles and scientific papers, research and understanding of original archival documents and even a urban route.

Associated skills


1. Ability to analyze and synthesize

2. Oral and written communication

3. Ability to manage information

4. Critical reasoning

5. Autonomous learning

6. Ethical commitment

7. Teamwork



1. Understanding the dynamic nature of law

2. Understanding the plot of institutions of public, private, criminal, procedural law, etc. governing a bygone society (and a current one too)

3. Understanding the peculiarities of historical Barcelona and Catalonia in the frame of the Crown of Aragon and the Hispanic monarchy later

4. Sensitivity towards Catalan law and its historical foundations

5. Getting a critical perspective of the historical experience of self-government of Catalonia

6. Comparing historical situations of different countries, preferably multinational and complex ones

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student will know how to contextualize relevant legal phenomena and detect ruptures and historical continuities. This will serve him/her not only as general knowledge, but also to be a good lawyer, able to adapt to changing times and new social contexts.

Sustainable Development Goals

# Quality Education # Reduced Inequalities # Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions


None. Obviously knowledge of general history and/or legal history is desirable. Students without this knowledge may be given additional materials, if they wish so.




Sept, 29th 2pm

The course + where to find primary and secondary sources

Josep Capdeferro

Oct. 3rd 2pm

Barcelona & Catalonia throughout history: chronology & maps

Cornel Rodenbusch


Oct. 6th 2pm

A legal Mosaic. From Visigothic Law to the Usatges

C. Rodenbusch

Oct. 10th 2pm

Private and/or public justice? The Feudalisation of Society

C. Rodenbusch

Oct. 13th 2pm

Expansion, Franchises, & Institutions – A new Order

C. Rodenbusch

Oct. 17th 2pm

Jews, Muslims & Slaves (Feliu)

C. Rodenbusch

Oct. 20th 2pm

The late Middle Ages and the Remences (Freedman)

C. Rodenbusch

From Oct. 19th (Wed.) until Oct. 21st (Fri.): Workshops in different archives in Barcelona (groupes of around 15 students). These sessions will be replacing the 31-O one.


Oct. 24th 2pm

Archival documents

J. Capdeferro


C. Rodenbusch


Oct. 27th 2pm

Legal Sources

J. Capdeferro

Oct. 31st 2pm



Nov. 4th 2pm

Society: elites & commoners

J. Capdeferro

Nov. 7th 2pm

Society: care institutions

J. Capdeferro

Nov. 11th 2pm

Local Governments

J. Capdeferro

Nov. 14th 2pm


J. Capdeferro

Nov. 18th 2pm

Committee of Estates

J. Capdeferro

Nov. 21st 2pm

Institutional accountability

J. Capdeferro

Nov. 25th 2pm

Ensuring the Observance of Law

J. Capdeferro

Nov. 28th 2pm

Presentation of assignments based on archival documents and/or bibliography

Some students

Dec. 1st 2pm

Final conference:

Untying constitutional and jurisdictional conflicts in Catalonia (16th-18th century)

Debate and conclusion of the course

J. Capdeferro


Teaching Methods

Several methods will be combined: readings by students; reading comprehension exercises; doubt solving sessions; discussions; lecturing; oral and written presentations; virtual guided tours; online interviews; workshop in historical archives. 


Attending at least 75% of the sessions is necessary to be evaluated and/or to resit the module. 

85% of the final grade based upon continuous assessment: 4 exercises on compulsory readings (10% - 15% - 15% - 25% respectively) and oral interventions in class (20%).

15% of the final grade based upon a voluntary essay (written and presented in class) based on archival documents and/or bibliography. Needless to say that students willing to achieve the maximum grades (excellent / Honours) cannot skip this essay.


Bibliography and information resources

The following papers and additional ones will be available at the UPF Aula Global. 

ALBAREDA, Joaquim, “Political Participation in Catalonia: From Zenith to Suppression”, in ALBAREDA, Joaquim and HERRERO SÁNCHEZ, Manuel (ed.), Political Representation in the Ancien Régime, NYC (USA)-Abingdon (UK), Routledge, 2019, chapter 13.

CAPDEFERRO, Josep, "The Configuration of the Tribunal de Contrafaccions of Catalonia in the Corts of 1701-1702", in ALBAREDA, Joaquim and HERRERO SÁNCHEZ, Manuel (ed.), Political Representation in the Ancien Régime, NYC (USA)-Abingdon (UK), Routledge, 2019, chapter 14.

CORTEGUERA, Luis R., “The painter who lost his hat”, in The Sixteenth Century Journal, vol. 29, no. 4 (Winter, 1998), pp. 1023-1042.

FELIU, Eduard, “Some clarifications on several aspects of the history of Jews in Medieval Catalonia”, in Catalan Historical Review, no. 2 (2009), pp. 49-64.

FREEDMAN, Paul, “Peasant Servitude in Mediaeval Catalonia”, in Catalan Historical Review, no. 6 (2013), pp. 33-43.

TORRA-PRAT, Ricard, “From 'Judici de Taula' to 'Visitas'. A Brief overview of how Catalan Parliaments made public officials accountable”, in eHumanista, vol. 48 (2021), pp. 54-62.


Academic Year: 2022/23

26219 - History of Catalan Law

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Course:
Academic Center:
304 - Faculty of Law and Economics
331 - Faculty of Law
3041 - Double bachelor's degree programme in Law and Business Management and Administration / Economics
3312 - Bachelor's Degree in Law
26219 - History of Catalan Law
415 - Bachelor's degree in Law: 3
415 - Bachelor's degree in Law: 4
523 - Double bachelor's degree programme in Law and Business Management and Administration / Economics: 5
Teaching languages:
Theory: Group 1: English
Group 2: English
Josep Capdeferro Pla, Cornel-Peter Rodenbusch
Teaching Period:
First quarter


History of Catalan Law is an optional subject at the UPF Faculty of Law where both domestic and international students are welcome. This subject deals both with issues of public law and private law, covering many areas of medieval (10th-15th centuries) and early modern Catalonia (16th-18th centuries): parliamentary institutions, fiscal mechanisms, municipal organization, labour regulation, wills and other documents of succession and family law, litigation, etc. The course is based on the historical experience of Barcelona and Catalonia, but open to other European local and regional areas. The subject is taught in a very open way, combining different ingredients: teacher's explanations, reading and discussion of articles and scientific papers, research and understanding of original archival documents and even a urban route.

Associated skills


1. Ability to analyze and synthesize

2. Oral and written communication

3. Ability to manage information

4. Critical reasoning

5. Autonomous learning

6. Ethical commitment

7. Teamwork



1. Understanding the dynamic nature of law

2. Understanding the plot of institutions of public, private, criminal, procedural law, etc. governing a bygone society (and a current one too)

3. Understanding the peculiarities of historical Barcelona and Catalonia in the frame of the Crown of Aragon and the Hispanic monarchy later

4. Sensitivity towards Catalan law and its historical foundations

5. Getting a critical perspective of the historical experience of self-government of Catalonia

6. Comparing historical situations of different countries, preferably multinational and complex ones

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student will know how to contextualize relevant legal phenomena and detect ruptures and historical continuities. This will serve him/her not only as general knowledge, but also to be a good lawyer, able to adapt to changing times and new social contexts.

Sustainable Development Goals

# Quality Education # Reduced Inequalities # Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions


None. Obviously knowledge of general history and/or legal history is desirable. Students without this knowledge may be given additional materials, if they wish so.




Sept, 29th 2pm

The course + where to find primary and secondary sources

Josep Capdeferro

Oct. 3rd 2pm

Barcelona & Catalonia throughout history: chronology & maps

Cornel Rodenbusch


Oct. 6th 2pm

A legal Mosaic. From Visigothic Law to the Usatges

C. Rodenbusch

Oct. 10th 2pm

Private and/or public justice? The Feudalisation of Society

C. Rodenbusch

Oct. 13th 2pm

Expansion, Franchises, & Institutions – A new Order

C. Rodenbusch

Oct. 17th 2pm

Jews, Muslims & Slaves (Feliu)

C. Rodenbusch

Oct. 20th 2pm

The late Middle Ages and the Remences (Freedman)

C. Rodenbusch

From Oct. 19th (Wed.) until Oct. 21st (Fri.): Workshops in different archives in Barcelona (groupes of around 15 students). These sessions will be replacing the 31-O one.


Oct. 24th 2pm

Archival documents

J. Capdeferro


C. Rodenbusch


Oct. 27th 2pm

Legal Sources

J. Capdeferro

Oct. 31st 2pm



Nov. 4th 2pm

Society: elites & commoners

J. Capdeferro

Nov. 7th 2pm

Society: care institutions

J. Capdeferro

Nov. 11th 2pm

Local Governments

J. Capdeferro

Nov. 14th 2pm


J. Capdeferro

Nov. 18th 2pm

Committee of Estates

J. Capdeferro

Nov. 21st 2pm

Institutional accountability

J. Capdeferro

Nov. 25th 2pm

Ensuring the Observance of Law

J. Capdeferro

Nov. 28th 2pm

Presentation of assignments based on archival documents and/or bibliography

Some students

Dec. 1st 2pm

Final conference:

Untying constitutional and jurisdictional conflicts in Catalonia (16th-18th century)

Debate and conclusion of the course

J. Capdeferro


Teaching Methods

Several methods will be combined: readings by students; reading comprehension exercises; doubt solving sessions; discussions; lecturing; oral and written presentations; virtual guided tours; online interviews; workshop in historical archives. 


Attending at least 75% of the sessions is necessary to be evaluated and/or to resit the module. 

85% of the final grade based upon continuous assessment: 4 exercises on compulsory readings (10% - 15% - 15% - 25% respectively) and oral interventions in class (20%).

15% of the final grade based upon a voluntary essay (written and presented in class) based on archival documents and/or bibliography. Needless to say that students willing to achieve the maximum grades (excellent / Honours) cannot skip this essay.


Bibliography and information resources

The following papers and additional ones will be available at the UPF Aula Global. 

ALBAREDA, Joaquim, “Political Participation in Catalonia: From Zenith to Suppression”, in ALBAREDA, Joaquim and HERRERO SÁNCHEZ, Manuel (ed.), Political Representation in the Ancien Régime, NYC (USA)-Abingdon (UK), Routledge, 2019, chapter 13.

CAPDEFERRO, Josep, "The Configuration of the Tribunal de Contrafaccions of Catalonia in the Corts of 1701-1702", in ALBAREDA, Joaquim and HERRERO SÁNCHEZ, Manuel (ed.), Political Representation in the Ancien Régime, NYC (USA)-Abingdon (UK), Routledge, 2019, chapter 14.

CORTEGUERA, Luis R., “The painter who lost his hat”, in The Sixteenth Century Journal, vol. 29, no. 4 (Winter, 1998), pp. 1023-1042.

FELIU, Eduard, “Some clarifications on several aspects of the history of Jews in Medieval Catalonia”, in Catalan Historical Review, no. 2 (2009), pp. 49-64.

FREEDMAN, Paul, “Peasant Servitude in Mediaeval Catalonia”, in Catalan Historical Review, no. 6 (2013), pp. 33-43.

TORRA-PRAT, Ricard, “From 'Judici de Taula' to 'Visitas'. A Brief overview of how Catalan Parliaments made public officials accountable”, in eHumanista, vol. 48 (2021), pp. 54-62.


Academic Year: 2022/23

26219 - History of Catalan Law

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Course:
Academic Center:
304 - Faculty of Law and Economics
331 - Faculty of Law
3041 - Double bachelor's degree programme in Law and Business Management and Administration / Economics
3312 - Bachelor's Degree in Law
26219 - History of Catalan Law
415 - Bachelor's degree in Law: 3
415 - Bachelor's degree in Law: 4
523 - Double bachelor's degree programme in Law and Business Management and Administration / Economics: 5
Teaching languages:
Theory: Group 1: English
Group 2: English
Josep Capdeferro Pla, Cornel-Peter Rodenbusch
Teaching Period:
First quarter


History of Catalan Law is an optional subject at the UPF Faculty of Law where both domestic and international students are welcome. This subject deals both with issues of public law and private law, covering many areas of medieval (10th-15th centuries) and early modern Catalonia (16th-18th centuries): parliamentary institutions, fiscal mechanisms, municipal organization, labour regulation, wills and other documents of succession and family law, litigation, etc. The course is based on the historical experience of Barcelona and Catalonia, but open to other European local and regional areas. The subject is taught in a very open way, combining different ingredients: teacher's explanations, reading and discussion of articles and scientific papers, research and understanding of original archival documents and even a urban route.

Associated skills


1. Ability to analyze and synthesize

2. Oral and written communication

3. Ability to manage information

4. Critical reasoning

5. Autonomous learning

6. Ethical commitment

7. Teamwork



1. Understanding the dynamic nature of law

2. Understanding the plot of institutions of public, private, criminal, procedural law, etc. governing a bygone society (and a current one too)

3. Understanding the peculiarities of historical Barcelona and Catalonia in the frame of the Crown of Aragon and the Hispanic monarchy later

4. Sensitivity towards Catalan law and its historical foundations

5. Getting a critical perspective of the historical experience of self-government of Catalonia

6. Comparing historical situations of different countries, preferably multinational and complex ones

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student will know how to contextualize relevant legal phenomena and detect ruptures and historical continuities. This will serve him/her not only as general knowledge, but also to be a good lawyer, able to adapt to changing times and new social contexts.

Sustainable Development Goals

# Quality Education # Reduced Inequalities # Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions


None. Obviously knowledge of general history and/or legal history is desirable. Students without this knowledge may be given additional materials, if they wish so.




Sept, 29th 2pm

The course + where to find primary and secondary sources

Josep Capdeferro

Oct. 3rd 2pm

Barcelona & Catalonia throughout history: chronology & maps

Cornel Rodenbusch


Oct. 6th 2pm

A legal Mosaic. From Visigothic Law to the Usatges

C. Rodenbusch

Oct. 10th 2pm

Private and/or public justice? The Feudalisation of Society

C. Rodenbusch

Oct. 13th 2pm

Expansion, Franchises, & Institutions – A new Order

C. Rodenbusch

Oct. 17th 2pm

Jews, Muslims & Slaves (Feliu)

C. Rodenbusch

Oct. 20th 2pm

The late Middle Ages and the Remences (Freedman)

C. Rodenbusch

From Oct. 19th (Wed.) until Oct. 21st (Fri.): Workshops in different archives in Barcelona (groupes of around 15 students). These sessions will be replacing the 31-O one.


Oct. 24th 2pm

Archival documents

J. Capdeferro


C. Rodenbusch


Oct. 27th 2pm

Legal Sources

J. Capdeferro

Oct. 31st 2pm



Nov. 4th 2pm

Society: elites & commoners

J. Capdeferro

Nov. 7th 2pm

Society: care institutions

J. Capdeferro

Nov. 11th 2pm

Local Governments

J. Capdeferro

Nov. 14th 2pm


J. Capdeferro

Nov. 18th 2pm

Committee of Estates

J. Capdeferro

Nov. 21st 2pm

Institutional accountability

J. Capdeferro

Nov. 25th 2pm

Ensuring the Observance of Law

J. Capdeferro

Nov. 28th 2pm

Presentation of assignments based on archival documents and/or bibliography

Some students

Dec. 1st 2pm

Final conference:

Untying constitutional and jurisdictional conflicts in Catalonia (16th-18th century)

Debate and conclusion of the course

J. Capdeferro


Teaching Methods

Several methods will be combined: readings by students; reading comprehension exercises; doubt solving sessions; discussions; lecturing; oral and written presentations; virtual guided tours; online interviews; workshop in historical archives. 


Attending at least 75% of the sessions is necessary to be evaluated and/or to resit the module. 

85% of the final grade based upon continuous assessment: 4 exercises on compulsory readings (10% - 15% - 15% - 25% respectively) and oral interventions in class (20%).

15% of the final grade based upon a voluntary essay (written and presented in class) based on archival documents and/or bibliography. Needless to say that students willing to achieve the maximum grades (excellent / Honours) cannot skip this essay.


Bibliography and information resources

The following papers and additional ones will be available at the UPF Aula Global. 

ALBAREDA, Joaquim, “Political Participation in Catalonia: From Zenith to Suppression”, in ALBAREDA, Joaquim and HERRERO SÁNCHEZ, Manuel (ed.), Political Representation in the Ancien Régime, NYC (USA)-Abingdon (UK), Routledge, 2019, chapter 13.

CAPDEFERRO, Josep, "The Configuration of the Tribunal de Contrafaccions of Catalonia in the Corts of 1701-1702", in ALBAREDA, Joaquim and HERRERO SÁNCHEZ, Manuel (ed.), Political Representation in the Ancien Régime, NYC (USA)-Abingdon (UK), Routledge, 2019, chapter 14.

CORTEGUERA, Luis R., “The painter who lost his hat”, in The Sixteenth Century Journal, vol. 29, no. 4 (Winter, 1998), pp. 1023-1042.

FELIU, Eduard, “Some clarifications on several aspects of the history of Jews in Medieval Catalonia”, in Catalan Historical Review, no. 2 (2009), pp. 49-64.

FREEDMAN, Paul, “Peasant Servitude in Mediaeval Catalonia”, in Catalan Historical Review, no. 6 (2013), pp. 33-43.

TORRA-PRAT, Ricard, “From 'Judici de Taula' to 'Visitas'. A Brief overview of how Catalan Parliaments made public officials accountable”, in eHumanista, vol. 48 (2021), pp. 54-62.