3041 - Double bachelor's degree programme in Law and Business Management and Administration / Economics
3312 - Bachelor's Degree in Law
26210 - Gender and Law
Josep Capdeferro Pla, Arnau Nonell i Rodriguez, Ester Farnos Amoros, Raquel Montaner Fernandez
Section I. Historical and cultural perspective
Unit 1. Identity: how gender was shaped in binary terms; religions and norms
Unit 2. Alterity: queer individuals before the rules of majority
Unit 3. Agency: (limited) civil faculties that women enjoyed in Western societies
Unit 4. Liability: women before Criminal Law and Criminal Courts
Unit 5. Sorority: leaders and organizations pleading for women's cultural, political and social rights (19th-20th century)
Section II. Private Law from a Gender perspective
Unit 1. Introduction. The institutionalization and construction of gender: legal status of trans and intergender persons. Freedom not to contract and discrimination because of sexual orientation.
Unit 2. Marriage and civil partnerships from a gender perspective. Consequences of family breakdown: the never-ending debate on joint custody.
Unit 3. Sex, reproduction and parenthood. Feminist thoughts on abortion and surrogacy.
Section III. Criminal Law from a Gender perspective
Unit 1. The concept of gender-based violence according to Criminal Law
Unit 2. About the crime of forced marriage and honor crimes: gender-based crimes?
Unit 3. Crimes against sexual freedom: The interpretation of criminal law and the relevance of consent?
Unit 4. Criminal justice system and victim's autonomy: no drop policies
Bibliography and information resources
Compulsory readings:
BOES, Maria R., "'Dishonourable' youth, guilds, and the changed world view of sex, illegitimacy, and women in late-sixteenth-century Germany", in Continuity and Change, n. 18(3), pp. 345-372 (2003).
CAPDEFERRO, Josep, "Humble, but courageous. Modest women defending their rights in Early Modern Catalonia", in J. Vicent ESCARTÍ, Biografies invisibles / Invisible biographies, John Benjamins, 2021, pp. 91-103.
POSKA, Allyson M., "The Case for Agentic Gender Norms for Women in Early Modern Europe", in Gender & History, n. 30(2), pp. 345-365 (July 2018)
Elective readings:
M. ARMSTRONG-PARTIDA, "Concubinage, illegitimacy and fatherhood: Urban masculinity in Late-medieval Barcelona", in Gender & History, vol. 31 No. 1 March 2019, pp. 195-219.
C. CRISTELLON, "Between Sacrament, Sin and Crime: Mixed Marriages and the Roman Church in Early Mod. Europe", in Gender & History, vol. 29 No. 3 November 2017, pp. 605-621.
L. DALLAVALLE, "The Moretti Family: Late Marriage, Bachelorhood and Domestic Authority in 17th cent. Venice", in Gender & History, vol. 27 No. 3 November 2015, pp. 684-702.
P. FONTES DA COSTA, “’Mediating Sexual Difference’: the Medical Understanding of HumanHermaphrodites in Eighteenth-century England”, in W. de Blécourt and C. Urborne, CulturalApproaches to the History of Medicine, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2004, pp. 127-147.
G. HOUBRE, "Hermaphroditism in Marriage Annulment Proceedings in 19th cent. France", in Gender & History, vol. 27 No. 1 April 2015, pp. 112-130.
L. LAUMONIER, "Meanings of Fatherhood in Late-Medieval Montpellier: Love, Care and the Exercise of Patria Potestas" Gender & History, vol. 27 No. 3 Novembre 2015, pp. 651-668.
S. MCDOUGALL, “The transformation of Adultery in France at the End of the Middle Ages”, in Law and History Review, vol. 32(3), August 2014, pp. 491-524.
J. MERRICK, "New sources and questions for research on sexual relations between men in 18th cent. France", in Gender & History, vol. 30 No. 1 March 2018, pp. 9-29.
J. ROELENS, "A woman like any other: Female Sodomy, Hermaphroditism and Witchcraft in 17th-Century Bruges", in Journal of Women's History, 29 (4), 2017, p. 11-34.
Unit 1
Selected readings:
- BARTLETT, Katharine T., «Feminism and Family Law», Family Law Quarterly, Vol. 33 No. 3, 1999, pp. 475-500.
- BARTLETT, Katharine T., «Gender Law: After Twenty-Five Years», 27 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 1-23 (2020).
- ESTEVE ALGUACIL, Laura / NONELL RODRÍGUEZ, Arnau, «Good Intentions May Not Be Enough: The Spanish Draft BIll for the Equality of Trans and LGBTI people», VerfBlog, 2021/12/08: https://verfassungsblog.de/spanish-lgbtq-bill/
Case law:
- German Federal Constitutional Court judgement of 10.10.2017 (1 BvR 2019/16).
- Bull and Bull v. Hall and Preddy ([2013] UKSC 73).
- Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd., et al. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission et al., Supreme Court of the United States of America, 4.6.2018, pp. 1-18.
- Lee v. Ashers Baking Company ([2018] UKSC 49).
- X and Y v. Romania, ECtHR, Nos. 2145/16 and 20607/16, 19 January 2021.
Supplementary readings:
- BREMS, Eva / CANNOOT, Pieter / MOONEN, Toon (eds.), Protecting trans rights in the age of gender self-determination, Intersentia, 2020.
- European Commission, Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers, Legal gender recognition in the EU. The journeys of trans people towards full equality, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2020, pp. 1-17 and 109-118.
- Commissioner for Human Rights of the council of europe, Human Rights and Intersex People, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 2015.
Unit 2
Selected readings:
- BARTLETT, Katharine T. / STACK, Carol B., «Joint Custody, Feminism and the Dependency Dilemma», Berkeley Woman’s Law Journal, 9, 1986.
- JACOBS, Susan Beth, «The Hidden Gender Bias Behind “The Best Interest of the Child” Standard in Custody Decisions», Georgia State University Law Review, Vol. 13: Iss. 3, Article 5, 1996, pp. 845-901.
- PALAZZO, Nausica, «Marriage Apostates: Why Heterosexuals Seek Same-Sex Registered Partnerships», Columbia Journal of Gender and Law, Vol. 42, No. 1, 2022.
Case law:
- Obergefell et al. v. Hodges, Director, Ohio Department of Health, et al., Supreme Court of the United States of America, 26.6.2015, pp. 1-28.
- Ratzenböck and Seydl v. Austria, ECtHR (5th section), 26.10.2017.
- R (on the application of Steinfeld and Keidan) (Appellants) v. Secretary of State for the International Development (in substitution for the Home Secretary and the Education Secretary) (Respondent) ([2018] UKSC 32).
- Atala Riffo and daughters v. Chile, IACtHR 24.2.2012.
Supplementary reading:
- POLIKOFF, Nancy, "We Will Get What We Ask For: Why Lezalizing Gay and Lesbian Marriage Will Not Dismantle the Legal Structure of Gender in Every Marriage", 79 Virginia Law Review, 1993.
Unit 3
Selected readings:
- ABRAMS, Paula L., «The Bad Mother: Stigma, Abortion and Surrogacy», The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, Volume 43, Issue 2, 2015, pp. 179-191.
- FARNÓS AMORÓS, Esther, «Surrogacy in Spain», in Scherpe, Jens M. / Fenton-Glynn, Claire / Kaan, Terry (eds.), Eastern and Western Perspectives on Surrogacy, Intersentia, Cambridge, 2019, pp. 59-82.
- MARGARIA, Alice, «Trans Men Giving Birth and Reflections on Fatherhood: What to Expect?», International Journal of Law, Policy and The Family 34(3), 2020, pp. 1–22.
- SATZ, Debra, «5. Markets in Women’s Reproductive Labor», Why Some Things Should Not Be for Sale: The Moral Limits of Markets, Oxford University Press, 2010.
Case law:
- R (McConnell and YY) v Registrar General ([2020] EWCA Civ 559).
- A.M. and others v. Russia, ECtHR (3rd section), 6.7.2021.
- Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, Supreme Court of the United States, 24.6.2022.
Supplementary readings:
- BOWMAN, Cynthia Grant / ROSENBURY, Laura A. / TUERKHEIMER, Deborah / YURACKO, Kimberly A., «Chapter 5: Women and Reproduction» in Feminist Jurisprudence: Cases and Materials, 5th ed., West Academic Publishing, 2018.
- DETHLOFF, Nina / KAESLING, Katharina (eds.), Between sexuality, gender and reproduction. On the pluralisation of Family Forms, Intersentia, 2022.
Unit 1
MacKinnon, C. A. (1983), “Feminism, Marxism, Method, and the State: Toward Feminist Jurisprudence”, Signs, Vol. 8, No. 4 (Summer, 1983), pp. 635-658. Published by: The University of Chicago Press Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3173687
Butler, J., “ Sexual consent: some thoughts on psychoanalysis and law”, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1087: 178–205 (2006).
Etienne, M. (1995), “Addressing gender-based violence in a international context”, 18 Harv. Women's L.J. 139.
Unit 2
Keyhani, N. (2013), “Honour crimes as gender-based violence in the UK: A critical assessment”, UCL Journal of Law and Jurisprudence
Toy-Cronin, B. A. (2010), “What is forced marriage? Towards a definition of forced marriage as a crime against humanity”, 19 Colum. J. Gender & L. 539.
Unit 3
Butler, J. (2011), “ Sexual consent: some thoughts on psychoanalysis and law”, Columbia Journal of Gender and the Law; New York, 21(2): 405–429.
Halley, J. (2016), "The Move to Affirmative Consent", Journal of Women in Culture and Society 2016, vol. 42, no. 1: https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/pdfplus/10.1086/686904
MacKinnon, C. A. (1989), “Sexuality, Pornography, and Method: "Pleasure under Patriarchy"”, Ethics, Vol. 99, No. 2 (Jan., 1989), pp. 314-346. Published by: The University of Chicago Press Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2381437
Jozkowski, K. N. (2016), “Barriers to Affirmative Consent Policies and the Need for Affirmative Sexuality”, University of the Pacific Law Review / Vol. 47.
Tuerkheimer, D. (2016), “Affirmative Consent”, 3 Ohio St. J. Crim. L. 441
Unit 4
UNODC, Handbook for the Judiciary on Effective Criminal Justice Responses to Gender-Based Violence Against Women and Girls, 2019. Ebook: https://www.unodc.org/pdf/criminal_justice/HB_for_the_Judiciary_on_Effective_Criminal_Justice_Women_and_Girls_E_ebook.pdf
Han, E. L. (2003), "Mandatory Arrest and No-Drop Policies: Victim Empowerment in Domestic Violence Cases", Boston College Third World Law Journal, Vol. 23, Issue 1.