Consulta de Guies Docents

Academic Year: 2022/23

3354 - Bachelor's degree programme in Global Studies

24087 - Globalization and Gender

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Course:
Academic Center:
335 - Faculty of Humanities
3354 - Bachelor's degree programme in Global Studies
24087 - Globalization and Gender
669 - Minor in Gender Studies: 1
599 - Bachelor's degree in Global Studies: 3
Teaching languages:
Theory: Group 1: English
Seminar: Group 101: English
Group 102: English
Rosa Cerarols Ramirez
Teaching Period:
Second quarter


How we can understand gender in the contemporary world? How are masculinities and femininities made? And what is the relationship between gender issues and globalizing concerns such as environmental change and economic restructuring? This course will try to answer these basic but complex questions providing a global map of gender studies, covering empirical research from all parts of the world in addition to theory and politics. The main goal is to offer a basic overview on gender studies in the world, an engaged scholarship that moves from personal experience to global problems and offers a unique perspective on gender issues today.

Associated skills

This course deals with geographical tools in order to understand how globalization interacts in different regional scales focusing on gender issues as a main topic to debate about cultural representation, equality, diversity, intersectionality, environmental crisis and woman's and gender studies. It will provide a broad overview combining theory and practice to learn about complexity of multi-layered gendered realities in a global world. 

Learning outcomes

Expertise in a very needed topic to analyze the word: gender equity, globalization and cultural studies.

Sustainable Development Goals

Gender equality # Reduced Inequalities # Quality Education


No pre-requisites to attend the course on Globalization and Gender, but language of instruction is english.




Week 1 Course introduction, description of main topics and class structure  

Week 2 Gender-ing the world

Week 3 Gender theorists and gender theory

Week 4 Gender, development and globalization

Week 5 Group project activities

Week 6 Gender politics around the world

Week 7 Gender and environmental change in the global context

Week 8 Global, regional and local trends. Demographics realities

Week 9 Spaces of culture and identity production. 

Week 10 Conclusion: equality/equity in a gendered world?




Teaching Methods

The course will follow the hybrid teaching system: 30% online and 70% in class.

The course combines thematic classes (theory and contents) with practical study cases in different interrelated topics on comparative regional scales. Class participation and group debate are understood as a key concept for co-education on a fundamental topic as it is gender equality vs equity. Classes will be hybrid: webminar and face to face classes.


Course evaluation:

30% final grade: individual course dissertation

30% final grade: research group project (engendering the world)

20% final grade: readings and class debate

20% final grade: multi-scalar gender analysis practice

All the activities are compulsory to pass the course.


2nd evaluation:

30% final grade: individual course dissertation

20% final grade: readings essay

20% final grade: multi-scalar gender analysis practice

Be aware that research group project will not be accepted but 1st evaluation activities grades will be saved for final average.



Bibliography and information resources

Basic references:

Benería, Lourdes; Berik, Günseli; Floro, Maria S. (2016). Gender, Development and Globalization. Economics as if all people mattered. New York: Routledge.

Connell, Raewyn; Pearse, Rebecca (2015). Gender in a World Perspective. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Mies, Matis; Shiva, Vandana (2014). Ecofeminism. London: Zed Books.

Oberhauser, Ann M.; Fluri; Jennifer L.; Whitson, Risa; Mollett, Sharlene (2018). Feminist spaces. Gender and geography in a global context. London: Routledge.



Academic Year: 2022/23

3354 - Bachelor's degree programme in Global Studies

24087 - Globalization and Gender

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Course:
Academic Center:
335 - Faculty of Humanities
3354 - Bachelor's degree programme in Global Studies
24087 - Globalization and Gender
669 - Minor in Gender Studies: 1
599 - Bachelor's degree in Global Studies: 3
Teaching languages:
Theory: Group 1: English
Seminar: Group 101: English
Group 102: English
Rosa Cerarols Ramirez
Teaching Period:
Second quarter


How we can understand gender in the contemporary world? How are masculinities and femininities made? And what is the relationship between gender issues and globalizing concerns such as environmental change and economic restructuring? This course will try to answer these basic but complex questions providing a global map of gender studies, covering empirical research from all parts of the world in addition to theory and politics. The main goal is to offer a basic overview on gender studies in the world, an engaged scholarship that moves from personal experience to global problems and offers a unique perspective on gender issues today.

Associated skills

This course deals with geographical tools in order to understand how globalization interacts in different regional scales focusing on gender issues as a main topic to debate about cultural representation, equality, diversity, intersectionality, environmental crisis and woman's and gender studies. It will provide a broad overview combining theory and practice to learn about complexity of multi-layered gendered realities in a global world. 

Learning outcomes

Expertise in a very needed topic to analyze the word: gender equity, globalization and cultural studies.

Sustainable Development Goals

Gender equality # Reduced Inequalities # Quality Education


No pre-requisites to attend the course on Globalization and Gender, but language of instruction is english.




Week 1 Course introduction, description of main topics and class structure  

Week 2 Gender-ing the world

Week 3 Gender theorists and gender theory

Week 4 Gender, development and globalization

Week 5 Group project activities

Week 6 Gender politics around the world

Week 7 Gender and environmental change in the global context

Week 8 Global, regional and local trends. Demographics realities

Week 9 Spaces of culture and identity production. 

Week 10 Conclusion: equality/equity in a gendered world?




Teaching Methods

The course will follow the hybrid teaching system: 30% online and 70% in class.

The course combines thematic classes (theory and contents) with practical study cases in different interrelated topics on comparative regional scales. Class participation and group debate are understood as a key concept for co-education on a fundamental topic as it is gender equality vs equity. Classes will be hybrid: webminar and face to face classes.


Course evaluation:

30% final grade: individual course dissertation

30% final grade: research group project (engendering the world)

20% final grade: readings and class debate

20% final grade: multi-scalar gender analysis practice

All the activities are compulsory to pass the course.


2nd evaluation:

30% final grade: individual course dissertation

20% final grade: readings essay

20% final grade: multi-scalar gender analysis practice

Be aware that research group project will not be accepted but 1st evaluation activities grades will be saved for final average.



Bibliography and information resources

Basic references:

Benería, Lourdes; Berik, Günseli; Floro, Maria S. (2016). Gender, Development and Globalization. Economics as if all people mattered. New York: Routledge.

Connell, Raewyn; Pearse, Rebecca (2015). Gender in a World Perspective. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Mies, Matis; Shiva, Vandana (2014). Ecofeminism. London: Zed Books.

Oberhauser, Ann M.; Fluri; Jennifer L.; Whitson, Risa; Mollett, Sharlene (2018). Feminist spaces. Gender and geography in a global context. London: Routledge.



Academic Year: 2022/23

3354 - Bachelor's degree programme in Global Studies

24087 - Globalization and Gender

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Course:
Academic Center:
335 - Faculty of Humanities
3354 - Bachelor's degree programme in Global Studies
24087 - Globalization and Gender
669 - Minor in Gender Studies: 1
599 - Bachelor's degree in Global Studies: 3
Teaching languages:
Theory: Group 1: English
Seminar: Group 101: English
Group 102: English
Rosa Cerarols Ramirez
Teaching Period:
Second quarter


How we can understand gender in the contemporary world? How are masculinities and femininities made? And what is the relationship between gender issues and globalizing concerns such as environmental change and economic restructuring? This course will try to answer these basic but complex questions providing a global map of gender studies, covering empirical research from all parts of the world in addition to theory and politics. The main goal is to offer a basic overview on gender studies in the world, an engaged scholarship that moves from personal experience to global problems and offers a unique perspective on gender issues today.

Associated skills

This course deals with geographical tools in order to understand how globalization interacts in different regional scales focusing on gender issues as a main topic to debate about cultural representation, equality, diversity, intersectionality, environmental crisis and woman's and gender studies. It will provide a broad overview combining theory and practice to learn about complexity of multi-layered gendered realities in a global world. 

Learning outcomes

Expertise in a very needed topic to analyze the word: gender equity, globalization and cultural studies.

Sustainable Development Goals

Gender equality # Reduced Inequalities # Quality Education


No pre-requisites to attend the course on Globalization and Gender, but language of instruction is english.




Week 1 Course introduction, description of main topics and class structure  

Week 2 Gender-ing the world

Week 3 Gender theorists and gender theory

Week 4 Gender, development and globalization

Week 5 Group project activities

Week 6 Gender politics around the world

Week 7 Gender and environmental change in the global context

Week 8 Global, regional and local trends. Demographics realities

Week 9 Spaces of culture and identity production. 

Week 10 Conclusion: equality/equity in a gendered world?




Teaching Methods

The course will follow the hybrid teaching system: 30% online and 70% in class.

The course combines thematic classes (theory and contents) with practical study cases in different interrelated topics on comparative regional scales. Class participation and group debate are understood as a key concept for co-education on a fundamental topic as it is gender equality vs equity. Classes will be hybrid: webminar and face to face classes.


Course evaluation:

30% final grade: individual course dissertation

30% final grade: research group project (engendering the world)

20% final grade: readings and class debate

20% final grade: multi-scalar gender analysis practice

All the activities are compulsory to pass the course.


2nd evaluation:

30% final grade: individual course dissertation

20% final grade: readings essay

20% final grade: multi-scalar gender analysis practice

Be aware that research group project will not be accepted but 1st evaluation activities grades will be saved for final average.



Bibliography and information resources

Basic references:

Benería, Lourdes; Berik, Günseli; Floro, Maria S. (2016). Gender, Development and Globalization. Economics as if all people mattered. New York: Routledge.

Connell, Raewyn; Pearse, Rebecca (2015). Gender in a World Perspective. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Mies, Matis; Shiva, Vandana (2014). Ecofeminism. London: Zed Books.

Oberhauser, Ann M.; Fluri; Jennifer L.; Whitson, Risa; Mollett, Sharlene (2018). Feminist spaces. Gender and geography in a global context. London: Routledge.

