Consulta de Guies Docents

Academic Year: 2022/23

3314 - Bachelor's Degree in Labour Relations

21812 - People Management and Globalization

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Course:
Academic Center:
331 - Faculty of Law
3314 - Bachelor's Degree in Labour Relations
21812 - People Management and Globalization
4 and 3
Teaching languages:
Theory: Group 1: English
Maria Lourdes Esteban Paredes
Teaching Period:
Second quarter


This course prepares students with a business understanding of the need for human resources management skills in the global context. This general management perspective is prevalent among practicing managers. In fact, managers are expected to be generalists with a broad set of skills, including human resource management skills. Globalization and technological accelerated progress have brought new challenges that all managers (even those not directly related with HR management) must not only understand but employ a proactive perspective to tackle them.      

Associated skills


By following this course, students will be able to acquire or expand a number of general and subject-specific competences.



  • Understanding and correctly interpreting academic writings.
  • Being able to justify and defend your position using coherent arguments.
  • Developing reasoning and critical thinking abilities in order to analyze controversial issues
  • Accepting the diversity of opinions as a fundamental ingredient of academic life and as an essential component of contemporary society. Being able to form your own opinion while respecting the diverging opinions from others.
  • Reinforcing your habits of self-discipline, self-control, and rigor in completing academic work and in managing your time schedule.
  • Having a proactive attitude toward learning about the topics you do not know and toward the learning process and/or professional activity more generally.
  • Being able to make creative use of the knowledge and concepts learnt in the course.
  • Being able to adapt those to novel and original situations.
  • Being able to demonstrate a level of knowledge that is sufficient for professional action.
  • Being able to select and use the appropriate information to formulate adequate solutions to problems.



  • Develop strategies for managing people in the globalized world.
  • Apply techniques of people management to different situations and cases


Sustainable Development Goals

  • Gender equity
  • Decent work and economic growth
  • Quality education


There are no formal prerequisites. However,  a basic understanding on human resources policies is necessary to achive the contents


Topic 1: Present and emerging challenges in HR Management (environmental, organizational and individual level)

Topic 2: Strategic HR policies and main challenges in HR planning

Topic 3: Managing diversity

Topic 4: International HR Management




Teaching Methods

The classes will consist on theroretical explanations combined with examples of HR policies' aplications. 





1. Assessment system 



Overall Evaluation System




Criterion recovery


Competences assessed

Written test on the theory taught in the course (open short and medium questions)

Test score from 0 to 10.

To pass the course  it is necessary to obtain an average score above 5, and 4 or above 4 in both  the written test and in the continuous assessement activities. Only students who have participated in continuous assessment can take the written exam. 


Recoverable. New written test


General and specific

Delivery and presentation of either an individual or a group  assignment related to course contents

Score from 0 to 10. To pass the course  it is necessary to obtain an average score above 5, and 4 or above 4 in both  the written test and in the continuous assessement activities


Recoverable. Delivery of a new assignment (individual)


General and specific


2. Conditions to attend recovery


Only students that have obtained below 5 in either the written exam or the continuous assessment activities can attend or/and  submit  recovery activities. Students will recover only the part of the course  failed.



Bibliography and information resources


1.  Recommended bibliography


Gomez-Mejía, L., D. Balkin; and R. Cardy, Managing Human Resources, Pearson, 8th edition, 2016.


Lazear. Edward. P., Gibbs, Mike, Personnel Economics in Practice, 3rd edition, Wiley, 2015


2.  Additional reading


Schuler Randall S. and Jackson, Susan, Strategic Human Resource Management, Blackwell Publishing, 2008


Baron, J.N., and D.M. Kreps, Strategic Human Resources, Wiley, 1999


3.  Resources

Materials will be uploaded to Aula Global



Academic Year: 2022/23

3314 - Bachelor's Degree in Labour Relations

21812 - People Management and Globalization

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Course:
Academic Center:
331 - Faculty of Law
3314 - Bachelor's Degree in Labour Relations
21812 - People Management and Globalization
4 and 3
Teaching languages:
Theory: Group 1: English
Maria Lourdes Esteban Paredes
Teaching Period:
Second quarter


This course prepares students with a business understanding of the need for human resources management skills in the global context. This general management perspective is prevalent among practicing managers. In fact, managers are expected to be generalists with a broad set of skills, including human resource management skills. Globalization and technological accelerated progress have brought new challenges that all managers (even those not directly related with HR management) must not only understand but employ a proactive perspective to tackle them.      

Associated skills


By following this course, students will be able to acquire or expand a number of general and subject-specific competences.



  • Understanding and correctly interpreting academic writings.
  • Being able to justify and defend your position using coherent arguments.
  • Developing reasoning and critical thinking abilities in order to analyze controversial issues
  • Accepting the diversity of opinions as a fundamental ingredient of academic life and as an essential component of contemporary society. Being able to form your own opinion while respecting the diverging opinions from others.
  • Reinforcing your habits of self-discipline, self-control, and rigor in completing academic work and in managing your time schedule.
  • Having a proactive attitude toward learning about the topics you do not know and toward the learning process and/or professional activity more generally.
  • Being able to make creative use of the knowledge and concepts learnt in the course.
  • Being able to adapt those to novel and original situations.
  • Being able to demonstrate a level of knowledge that is sufficient for professional action.
  • Being able to select and use the appropriate information to formulate adequate solutions to problems.



  • Develop strategies for managing people in the globalized world.
  • Apply techniques of people management to different situations and cases


Sustainable Development Goals

  • Gender equity
  • Decent work and economic growth
  • Quality education


There are no formal prerequisites. However,  a basic understanding on human resources policies is necessary to achive the contents


Topic 1: Present and emerging challenges in HR Management (environmental, organizational and individual level)

Topic 2: Strategic HR policies and main challenges in HR planning

Topic 3: Managing diversity

Topic 4: International HR Management




Teaching Methods

The classes will consist on theroretical explanations combined with examples of HR policies' aplications. 





1. Assessment system 



Overall Evaluation System




Criterion recovery


Competences assessed

Written test on the theory taught in the course (open short and medium questions)

Test score from 0 to 10.

To pass the course  it is necessary to obtain an average score above 5, and 4 or above 4 in both  the written test and in the continuous assessement activities. Only students who have participated in continuous assessment can take the written exam. 


Recoverable. New written test


General and specific

Delivery and presentation of either an individual or a group  assignment related to course contents

Score from 0 to 10. To pass the course  it is necessary to obtain an average score above 5, and 4 or above 4 in both  the written test and in the continuous assessement activities


Recoverable. Delivery of a new assignment (individual)


General and specific


2. Conditions to attend recovery


Only students that have obtained below 5 in either the written exam or the continuous assessment activities can attend or/and  submit  recovery activities. Students will recover only the part of the course  failed.



Bibliography and information resources


1.  Recommended bibliography


Gomez-Mejía, L., D. Balkin; and R. Cardy, Managing Human Resources, Pearson, 8th edition, 2016.


Lazear. Edward. P., Gibbs, Mike, Personnel Economics in Practice, 3rd edition, Wiley, 2015


2.  Additional reading


Schuler Randall S. and Jackson, Susan, Strategic Human Resource Management, Blackwell Publishing, 2008


Baron, J.N., and D.M. Kreps, Strategic Human Resources, Wiley, 1999


3.  Resources

Materials will be uploaded to Aula Global



Academic Year: 2022/23

3314 - Bachelor's Degree in Labour Relations

21812 - People Management and Globalization

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Course:
Academic Center:
331 - Faculty of Law
3314 - Bachelor's Degree in Labour Relations
21812 - People Management and Globalization
4 and 3
Teaching languages:
Theory: Group 1: English
Maria Lourdes Esteban Paredes
Teaching Period:
Second quarter


This course prepares students with a business understanding of the need for human resources management skills in the global context. This general management perspective is prevalent among practicing managers. In fact, managers are expected to be generalists with a broad set of skills, including human resource management skills. Globalization and technological accelerated progress have brought new challenges that all managers (even those not directly related with HR management) must not only understand but employ a proactive perspective to tackle them.      

Associated skills


By following this course, students will be able to acquire or expand a number of general and subject-specific competences.



  • Understanding and correctly interpreting academic writings.
  • Being able to justify and defend your position using coherent arguments.
  • Developing reasoning and critical thinking abilities in order to analyze controversial issues
  • Accepting the diversity of opinions as a fundamental ingredient of academic life and as an essential component of contemporary society. Being able to form your own opinion while respecting the diverging opinions from others.
  • Reinforcing your habits of self-discipline, self-control, and rigor in completing academic work and in managing your time schedule.
  • Having a proactive attitude toward learning about the topics you do not know and toward the learning process and/or professional activity more generally.
  • Being able to make creative use of the knowledge and concepts learnt in the course.
  • Being able to adapt those to novel and original situations.
  • Being able to demonstrate a level of knowledge that is sufficient for professional action.
  • Being able to select and use the appropriate information to formulate adequate solutions to problems.



  • Develop strategies for managing people in the globalized world.
  • Apply techniques of people management to different situations and cases


Sustainable Development Goals

  • Gender equity
  • Decent work and economic growth
  • Quality education


There are no formal prerequisites. However,  a basic understanding on human resources policies is necessary to achive the contents


Topic 1: Present and emerging challenges in HR Management (environmental, organizational and individual level)

Topic 2: Strategic HR policies and main challenges in HR planning

Topic 3: Managing diversity

Topic 4: International HR Management




Teaching Methods

The classes will consist on theroretical explanations combined with examples of HR policies' aplications. 





1. Assessment system 



Overall Evaluation System




Criterion recovery


Competences assessed

Written test on the theory taught in the course (open short and medium questions)

Test score from 0 to 10.

To pass the course  it is necessary to obtain an average score above 5, and 4 or above 4 in both  the written test and in the continuous assessement activities. Only students who have participated in continuous assessment can take the written exam. 


Recoverable. New written test


General and specific

Delivery and presentation of either an individual or a group  assignment related to course contents

Score from 0 to 10. To pass the course  it is necessary to obtain an average score above 5, and 4 or above 4 in both  the written test and in the continuous assessement activities


Recoverable. Delivery of a new assignment (individual)


General and specific


2. Conditions to attend recovery


Only students that have obtained below 5 in either the written exam or the continuous assessment activities can attend or/and  submit  recovery activities. Students will recover only the part of the course  failed.



Bibliography and information resources


1.  Recommended bibliography


Gomez-Mejía, L., D. Balkin; and R. Cardy, Managing Human Resources, Pearson, 8th edition, 2016.


Lazear. Edward. P., Gibbs, Mike, Personnel Economics in Practice, 3rd edition, Wiley, 2015


2.  Additional reading


Schuler Randall S. and Jackson, Susan, Strategic Human Resource Management, Blackwell Publishing, 2008


Baron, J.N., and D.M. Kreps, Strategic Human Resources, Wiley, 1999


3.  Resources

Materials will be uploaded to Aula Global