Class Day
Lecture Topics
Mandatory Readings
Discussion Activities
13 April 2023
What is Democracy? What is Justice?
- Bauböck, Rainer (2008) ‘Normative Political Theory and Empirical Research’, in Della Porta, Donatella and Keating, Michael (eds.) Approaches and methodologies in the Social Sciences: A pluralist perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 40-60.
Group presentations: let’s design a new country – you are part of constitutional commissions tasked to design the democracy- and justice- related aspects of a new country.
20 April 2023
Theories of Democracy
Post-up activity: brainstorming liberal and republican policies in groups using post its.
27 April 2023
Democracy and Cultural Justice: Multiculturalism
(Case study: United Kingdom)
- Kymlicka, Will (1995) Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights, Oxford: Oxford University Press, Chapter 5 ‘Freedom and Culture’, 75-106.
- Uberoi, Varun, and Modood, Tariq (2019) ‘The Emergence of the Bristol School of Multiculturalism’, Ethnicities, 19:6, 955-970.
Role-play simulation: you are political science advisors of the UK Government. In a Cabinet Meeting, you are tasked to develop a policy that fosters both multiculturalism and Britishness and to ‘sell’ it to the Prime Minister.
4 May 2023
Democracy and Linguistic Justice
(Case study: Belgium)
- Morales-Gálvez, Sergi, and Daniel Cetrà (2022) ‘Regulating Language: Territoriality and Personality in Plurinational Spain’, Ethnicities, 22:2, 253-273.
Structured debate simulation: Should minority languages be protected? Do we need a global language? Two groups defending opposing views will have to convince the jury.
11 May 2023
Democracy and National Justice I:
Federalism and Territorial Accommodation
- McEwen, Nicola (2022) ‘The Limits of Self Rule Without Shared Rule’, in Ferran Requejo and Marc Sanjaume-Calvet (eds.) Defensive Federalism: Protecting Territorial Minorities from the ‘Tyranny of the Majority’, Routledge.
Q&A and group exercise: Federalism, Democracy and COVID-19 with guest Dr Mireia Grau (Institute for Self-Government Studies, Barcelona)
18 May 2023
Democracy and National Justice II:
Self-Determination and Secession
(Case studies: Scotland and Catalonia)
- Cetrà, Daniel and Harvey, Malcolm (2019) ‘Explaining Accommodation and Resistance to Demands for Independence Referendums in the UK and Spain’, Nations and Nationalism, 25:2, 607-629.
Role-play negotiation: How do we solve the Catalan crisis? You will be negotiating on behalf of the Catalan Government, the Spanish Government, and the EU Commission at an international summit.
25 May 2023
Democracy and Gender Justice
- Crenshaw, Kimberlé (1989) ‘Demarginalizing the intersection of race and sex: A black feminist critique of antidiscrimination doctrine, feminist theory and antiracist politics’, The University of Chicago Legal Forum, 139-67.
Q&A and role-play simulation with guest Helena Castellà (Advisor, Ministry of Equality and Feminism, Catalan Government).
01 June 2023
Democracy and Ecological Justice
- Mittiga, Ross (2021) ‘Political Legitimacy, Authoritarianism, and Climate Change’, American Political Science Review, First View, 1-14.
Q&A and group exercise with guest Sabina Puig (Catalan International Institute for Peace, ICIP)
08 June 2023
Democracy, Inequality and Global Justice
- Macdonald, Terry and Ronzoni, Miriam (2012) ‘Introduction: The Idea of Global Political Justice’, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 15:5, 521-33.
Group presentations: Openness and closeness – how will the world look like in 2050? How should it look like?
15 June 2023
Democracy and Socio-economic Justice
- Nussbaum, Marta (2003) ‘Capabilities and Social Justice’, International Studies Review, 4:2, 123-35.
Wrap-up discussion about the future of democracy and justice in contemporary democracies