23407 - Discourse Analysis
David Martin Block Allen
Bibliografia i recursos d'informació
Alperstein, N. M. (2019). Celebrity and Mediated Social Connections: Fans, Friends and Followers in the Digital Age. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Baggini, J. (2017). A Short History of Truth: Consolations for a Post-Truth World. London: Quercus.
Ball, J. (2017). Post-truth: How Bullshit Conquered the World. London: Biteback.
Blackford, R. (2019). The Tyranny of Opinion. London: Bloomsbury.
Block, D. (2019). Post-truth and Political Discourse. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Castillo, D., & Eggington, W. (2017). Medialogies: Reading Reality in the Age of Inflationary Media. London: Bloomsbury
Cosentino, G. (2020). Social Media and the Post-Truth World Order. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Couldry, N. & Mejias, U. A. (2019). The Costs of Connection: How Data is Colonizing Human Life and Appropriating it for Capitalism. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
D’Ancona, M. (2017). The New War on Truth and How to Fight Back. London: Ebury.
Davies, E. (2017). Post-truth: Why We Have Reached Peak Bullshit and What We Can Do About it. London: Little, Brown.
Doyle W, & Roda, C. /eds.). (2019). Communication in the Era of Attention Scarcity. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Fairclough, N. (2010). Critical Discourse Analysis: The Critical Study of Language, 2nd edn. Harlow, UK: Longman.
Fairclough, N. (2015). Language and Power, 3rd edn, London: Routledge.
Farkas, J. & Schou, J. (2020). Post-truth, Fake News and Democracy: Mapping the Politics of Falsehood. London: Routledge.
Floridi, L. (2014). The Fourth Revolution - How the Infosphere is Reshaping Human Reality. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Flowerdew, J. & Richardson, J. E. (Eds.) (2018). The Routledge Handbook of Critical Discourse Studies. London: Routledge.
Fuchs, C. (2020). Nationalism on the Internet: Critical Theory and Ideology in the Age of Social media and Fake News. London: Routledge.
Fuller, S. (2018). Post-Truth: Knowledge as a Power Game. London: Anthem.
Garbasevschi, (2021). Info-selves: The Value of Online Identity. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
Herman, E., & Chomsky, N. (1988). Manufacturing Consent. London: Vintage.
Keyes, R. (2004). The Post-truth Era: Dishonesty and Deception in Contemporary Life. New York: St. Martin’s Press
McIntyre, L. (2018). Post-truth. Boston: MIT.
Maddalena, G. & Gili, G. (2020). The History and Theory of Post-truth Communication. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Moore, M.(2018). Democracy Hacked: How Technology is Destabilising Global Politics. London: Oneworld Publications.
O'Neil, C. (2016). Weapons of Math Destruction. New York: Crown.
Overell, R. & Nicholls, B. (eds.) (2020). Post-Truth and the Mediation of Reality: New Conjunctures. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Proctor, R. N., & Schiebinger, L. (eds.). (2008). Agnotology: The Making and Unmaking of Ignorance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Saul, J. M. (2013). Lying, Misleading, and What is Said: An Exploration in Philosophy of Language and in Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Seargeant, P. (2020). The Art of Political Storytelling: Why Stories Win Votes in Post-truth. London: Bloomsbury.
van Dijk, T. (2014). Discourse and Knowledge. A Sociocognitive Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Wodak, R. (2015). The Politics of Fear: What Right-Wing Populist Discourses Mean. London: Sage.
Wodak, R. and Meyer, M. (Eds.) (2016). Methods for Critical Discourse Analysis, 3rd edn. London: Sage.
Zabala, S. (2020). Being at Large: Freedom in the Age of Alternative Facts. New York: Columbia University Press.
Zuboff, S. (2019). The Age of Surveillance Capitalism. New York: Profile Books.